Today was gorgeous outside....but I wouldn't really have known it, because for part of the day, I was in here...It was my first time, and like the first time with a lot of things, you find yourself in over your head! My husband and I joked that it was a vortex that sucks you in and steals your day.Now most of you all know that when it comes to decorating, design, … [Read more...]
Take time to Stop and Smell the Rosemary…
THIS is my favorite cookbook...EVER!"Stop and Smell the Rosemary" from the Junior League of Houston, TX!I'm supposed to be packing my family to visit my parentals for the weekend, but I thought you might be sad if I didn't at least make a small effort to post today. Plus, I'm really trying to be good about doing it regularly (although I think I'm going to take Sundays off … [Read more...]
A Little Hanky Panky! Things that make you go hmmmm….
Oh yeah...Admit it, the title caught your attention! And if it didn't, then this will!Ok ok... so the Hanky Panky I'm talking about here is a brand...not you know, bowm chicka bow wow!But for real...aren't they cute?Half of you are looking at the picture to the left and thinking "YEAH RIGHT! You'd have to force me to even try and get my fat tookis in a pair of … [Read more...]
Got milk?
For most of you...this phrase may conjure up images of famous people with milk mustaches.For our family over the past 4 years it has been a source of oftentimes fear. When Tid Bit was about 4 months old and had been suffering from severe eczema and then blood in his diaper, our awesome pediatricians recommended that he be tested for food allergies. To make a long … [Read more...]
Drinking in…a nice tall glass of fresh perspective.
Most of you will read this in the morning, but I just have to end this day and today's earlier post with the fresh dose of perspective that I got tonight.I don't think my perspective was totally off earlier, I mean, it was authentic and all, but now, it's just better.Fresher.So get this..."If we go through nothing, then we have nothing to overcome. We can't overcome … [Read more...]
Sands through the hourglass….it’s just one of those days.
Like sands through the are the days of our lives!First off, I'm admiting to you that in college I watched this show. What a colossal un-doing of all that higher learning I was there for! LOL!But the quote is true isn't it? Time passes fast. I love that and I hate that. And, somewhere in there sometimes, the days begin to feel like sand … [Read more...]
The Man Party
Ever since my husband and a band of his buddies decided to have their own "Man Party" for the Super Bowl last night, I've been salivating over a blog post idea. I can't imagine that I'll do my idea justice because as is often the case with ideas, the execution can fall short indeed. Like re-telling a funny story where mid-way through you already feel stupid because … [Read more...]
What’s Cooking?! Dead Lady’s Dip
I should have posted this Friday...but it was just one of those days where the baby didn't nap, and in the end I was so tired that us grown-ups got take-out for dinner once the kids were asleep. I didn't have it in me to post anything else beyond the recipe that I did manage to upload. Then I'd hoped to post yesterday (Saturday) but we had such torrential downpours … [Read more...]
How to Make Homemade Chicken Stock
I wrote "How to Make Homemade Chicken Stock" in a post a couple of weeks ago, but decided it's important enough to deserve it's own post. Yesterday, I needed to make some more and had just bought a rotisserie chicken, so I thought I'd document the process for you in photos. My friend Amy tried this for the first time the other day (Woo Hoo Ames!) and had some … [Read more...]
How to Make Homemade Chicken Stock
I wrote "How to Make Homemade Chicken Stock" in a post a couple of weeks ago, but decided it's important enough to deserve it's own post. Yesterday, I needed to make some more and had just bought a rotisserie chicken, so I thought I'd document the process for you in photos. My friend Amy tried this for the first time the other day (Woo Hoo Ames!) and had some … [Read more...]
What’s Cooking?! Best Banana Bread EVER!
Lucky for you it's raining in SC today. And when it rains, all I want to do is cook. So today, I'm unearthing the rotten bananas that I put in my freezer to keep til I was ready and I'm making my favorite banana bread. (side note here...If you're always throwing away rotten bananas because you don't have time to make banana bread right when they get rotten, STOP … [Read more...]
What’s Cooking?! Best Banana Bread EVER!
Lucky for you it's raining in SC today. And when it rains, all I want to do is cook. So today, I'm unearthing the rotten bananas that I put in my freezer to keep til I was ready and I'm making my favorite banana bread. (side note here...If you're always throwing away rotten bananas because you don't have time to make banana bread right when they get rotten, STOP … [Read more...]
What’s for Dinner?! Sweet Potato and Sausage Soup
First, I have to just step on my soapbox for just a quick second since I have your attention.I had to go to Sam's Club today. We're big fans of bulk shopping around here. It's a lot cheaper. And I buy our produce there all the's good, fresh, and costs a lot less. Plus, my kids and my husband really love the samples they do there!Anyways, Tid … [Read more...]
H is for Hummus…recipe that is!
It's H week at Tid Bit's school. And H is for Hummus Months ago the teacher and I talked about making hummus as the special snack for the letter H. And I was just emailing the recipe to her a minute ago and thought you friends out … [Read more...]
Kudos to….Shannon
I've been thinking... I know, scary right?! Anyways, I've been thinking that I am blessed beyond measure to know a LOT of really neat people. My husband says I'm a master networker...but really the truth is that I just LOVE people. Everything about you. I love that we all have different stories, struggles, joys, talents, pitfalls, personalities, … [Read more...]
Homemade Cotton Candy and a time-tested recipe for ravioli!
Listening to a nap-resistant crying baby around here right now, so you'll have to forgive me if the following post is slightly disjointed. I hate hearing a baby be sad, but the child needs a nap badly! Oh goodie, he's lying down now...LOVE the totally unnecessary but really fun video monitor!So, this morning was sort of a crazy one! Little Bit had a doctor's … [Read more...]