Most of you will read this in the morning, but I just have to end this day and today’s earlier post with the fresh dose of perspective that I got tonight.
I don’t think my perspective was totally off earlier, I mean, it was authentic and all, but now, it’s just better.
So get this…
“If we go through nothing, then we have nothing to overcome.
We can’t overcome something that we never underwent.”
I wish I could somehow condense the 75 minute video that I watched tonight and make my words hold the same power for you that this anointed teacher’s words held for me. I wish I could…because it was SO GOOD.
But let me do the best that I can and tell you what I want to go to sleep thinking about tonight.
I want to go to sleep remembering that God delights in me. He created me (and you) to overcome adversity…or just the doldrums even. (Which is where I spent most of my emotional energy today….the doldrums that is. I’m glad my day is ending outside of that pit!)
And I’ve been struck by some things I heard… and some things that keep coming to me.
- God blesses those who keep overcoming.
- Overcoming is active…not passive.
- It’s putting one foot in front of the other and knowing that my footsteps are known by The Creator of the universe!
- There is blessing in perseverance. And overcoming with perseverance.
Let us be full of joy now! Let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce patient and unswerving endurance. And endurance develops maturity of character (approved faith and tried integrity). And character of this sort produces the habit of joyful and confident hope. And, such hope never disappoints or deludes or shames us, for God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit Who has been given to us. (Rom 5:2-6)
I love that thought. Mature character produces a joyful HABIT! So then, perseverance produces a joyful habit?!…love that! It’s so A=B, and B=C, so A=C!
“Are your ears awake? Listen… To him who overcomes and is victorious, I will grant to eat of the fruit of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.” Rev 2:7
Blessing in perseverance my friends….and perseverance produces conquering and overcoming. Full of JOY I tell you!
SO…I think I will say this for myself and for all of the rest of you who relate all too well to the exhaustion of life…We are MORE THAN conquerors. We were designed that way. And when life starts to get us down…Rise up and overcome. Overcome… and then help someone else do the same!
much love,
Oh, and one more thing I wanted to share from tonight. I think I could watch this video over and over. I love this man’s voice, but it’s the words that bring chill bumps all over me. It’s 3 1/2 minutes…but worth thinking about for a lifetime.
**With regards to today’s earlier post though, which was legitimate… just so you know…I will be getting in a little bit of “me time” in not too long.
I’d thought I might end this day with a glass of sangria. This night cap was WAY better.
Love this Logan! Thank you for being real enough to share the emotions that you and the rest of us mommies deal with regularly. What a powerful reminder that it is the authority that God puts within US to overcome the everyday obstacles of life.
Keep up the amazing blog! Even though I don't know you very well, It's been so fun to learn new perspectives from someone, and of course great recipes too! By the way, the dairy free sugar cookies were a HUGE success 🙂
Thanks Karen! And I'm so glad you liked the cookies! I thought about you specifically when I posted that recipe!