It was just a regular Tuesday.
Honestly…there wasn’t a thing outstanding about two days ago. Woke up, made coffee for me, oatmeal for one kid, dumped a bowl of Lucky Charms for the other and then sighed relief that my kids are digging the $2 warm lunches at school this year.
I kissed my man and my boys, sent them out the door to work and school, and then got some work done myself. A few hours later I left home to sit in carline for my daily 30 minute wait, grabbed the kiddos again, and took them for frozen yogurt as a special for-no-reason treat. The regular Tuesday continued. Just doing life…nothing bad, nothing outstanding, just daily life happening, you know?
I dropped one kid with a friend while I took the other 45 minutes down the road for an opthamology appointment. We got a good report from the doc who basically said “looks good, let’s keep on keeping on” and then we hopped in the car to head back home.
Even the traffic felt regular. It was 5 o’clock, so we were stuck in it. Which meant that I wasn’t going to get home til 6 and both my kids were starving, so I phoned my husband and said, “Please will you pop some of the frozen chicken nuggets in the oven, steam some frozen peas, and pull off a bunch of grapes so we can feed these munchkins when I walk in the door?”
Much obliged dear husband.
“Hey babe, while they start getting ready for bed, can I go on a run for like 30 minutes?” I smiled kinda big at my husband with eyebrows raised in a “please” sort of fashion when I got home. Because afterall, I am climbing Mt Kilimanjaro this spring, and remember, I’m not naturally exercisey. I have to MAKE myself do it for this!
“Sure. go ahead. I’ve got this.”
He is the best.
So I ran/walked a couple of miles and then swung back by to take my giant dog Titan for a mile too. Avery (my other old dog) apparently wanted to come, but I didn’t realize it til 5 houses down when she ran past us having busted out of the electric fence.
“AVERY!!!! COME BACK!” She was having none of it and kept running. The neighbor I’d just met (whose kids were fascinated by the small horse dog I had easily contained on a leash ) looked at me and might have really seen me in that moment for the nut job that sometimes I think I might be.
I finally caught Avery, who I had to hold by the collar all of 12 inches off of the ground in my right hand while my left hand was probably 36 inches off the ground holding onto Titan. I hobbled back down the street like the Hunchback of Notre Dame dragging two wildly disproportionately sized dogs with me.
Once Avery was situated back at home I resumed my walk with Titan for company and Mr Big playing in my ears for a final mile lap and returned home in time for bedtime stories and cuddles.
Totally regular day.
I was sweating like a stuck pig and flung myself breathless onto the bottom bunk with my 5 1/2 year-old for a quick read-through of The Little Engine That Could before flipping off the light. Standard evening sort of fare around here.
I snuggled him close in the dark and we started talking like we always do. Little boys, it seems, often get more talkative at bedtime. But still…this is normal. This is Tuesday.
“Mommy, I want to ask Jesus into my heart right now.”
And just like that, Tuesday wasn’t so regular anymore.
“Well buddy, why do you think you want to do that?” I asked Him. Because we talk about these things around here, but he hasn’t much seemed to “get” it before now. This time though, this time he knew. He told me why and how and what he wanted Jesus in his life for.
I called my husband down from the top bunk where he was with our older son and our little guy told his daddy what was in his heart. Then that sweet little boy prayed. And we prayed with him. Suddenly, Tuesday wasn’t normal…wasn’t regular…wasn’t mundane or routine or boring.
Despite all I’d seen in Tuesday in my world, I realized that I missed SO MUCH of heaven that was going on behind the scenes. Because what felt like a regular day to me was a BIG DEAL in the heavenlies. There were angels hanging streamers and some setting up sound systems. Maybe Michael and Gabriel laid out a dance floor and a few other were making cupcakes and pig-in-a-blankets. Jesus was brushing his beard and fluffing the seat beside of Him to make room for a special new guest. Because um…PARTY IN HEAVEN Y’ALL….my boy just joined the family!
And as happy tears streamed down my face, I felt a familiar feeling creep up in me again. I was curious. About how many times I’m rolling along between oatmeal and playdates, doctors appointments and chasing dogs down the street, and I have absolutely NO CLUE what all God is planning when I’m just stuck in traffic.
For all I know, it’s the party that just changed the course of my life.
Oh friend… I love this so much! (and welcome to the family, little guy! You are so loved already!) This brought me back to when my girlie was little… and that bedtime prayer… so precious! Noordinary Tuesday, indeed!