My kids got a book for Christmas that has had me really thinking lately. It’s called “The Man Who Walked Between The Towers” by Mordicai Gerstein. It’s the true story of a French aerialist, Philippe Petit, who on August 7, 1974 secretly strung a cable between the Twin Towers in New York City under the cover of night, and during the daylight spent almost an hour walking, dancing, and performing tricks a quarter of a mile above the city on that wire.
I’m not that daring. And for that matter, I’m afraid of heights.
Officers rushed to the roofs of the towers.
“You’re Under arrest!” they shouted through bullhorns.
Philippe turned and walked the other way.
Who would come and get him?
For almost an hour, back and forth,
he walked, danced, ran, and knelt in a salute upon the wire.
He even lay down to rest.
The city and harbor spread beneath him.
The sky surrounded him. Seagulls flew under and over.
As long as he stayed on the wire he was free.
In the past 24 hours, I’ve gotten news that my dear friend’s cancer has spread, and then that a 14-year-old girl from within our community at church has taken her own life. My heart is so heavy.
I called my sweet friend, Sarah Mae, this morning in a mess of tears and just cried and grasped for answers that I don’t have. Why do babies die? Why do mommies get sick? Why is innocence stolen? When Lord, will you come?
God has big things swirling in my life right now for the glory of his Kingdom….His Kingdom here and now that he’s expanding more over the earth. I’m a part of these things he’s doing. You’re a part of these things. And, I’m under no illusion that doing great things for the Kingdom makes me safe. In fact, being dangerous for Jesus makes us dangerous to the schemes of the enemy. So when a cloud of darkness starts swirling near me as this year begins, I know it’s meant to make me fearful. It’s meant to make me anxious about leaving my family for 10 days to travel halfway around the world for Kingdom work. It’s meant to make me anxious about Allume details and organizational minutia. It’s meant to strike fear and doubt and trepidation. And in some ways, it does….that much works. My heart beats fast and I get anxious when I think about it all too long.
But I can’t put my head in the sand and ignore it. I won’t allow it to rule me. I won’t let the fear paralyze the work that God has for me to do. I will fight it.
It doesn’t matter what’s over me, or under me, or waiting on the other side. And when I stay on the wire that is strong, and secure, and above it all…when I remain in Jesus….then I am free.
Friends, would you commit to praying for my upcoming trip? Would you pray for a hedge of heavenly protection around me and my family? Would you pray for the families in my community who are struggling right now? My littlest is having surgery tomorrow morning too to have his tonsils out, would you pray over that as well? And would you pray for my focus to be on Jesus? For my heart to remember that my safety and security are found in Him. In Him we are free.
So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:31-32
For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. – Gal 5:1
*Picture credit from the book, “The Man Who Walked Between The Towers” by Mordicai Gerstein; Video: “We Are Free” by Aaron Shust
Love and hugs my friend! Consider yourself wrapped in prayers and light.
From one fraidy cat to another, I am praying for you. Thank you for your willingness to defy fear and, in doing so, posting this article. May the Lord go behind and before you and be a hedge around you and your family as you prepare, go, and return to Cambodia.
My heart is shaken this morning as I see the waves of pain reverberate through my beloved homeschool community here in town. While I didn’t know the family, I have a 15YO and grieve with my friends who are shattered along with this family. Have prayed for your friend who has cancer when I saw your status update as well. It is a hurting world. We all need each other. Especially in times like these. Blessings.
Thank you for your prayers. I have to say though that I reject the word “fraidy cat” over me (and over you.) 1 Jn 4:18 says, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.” I don’t know about you, but I will not allow fear to define me, or for that matter, settle over me. We’re called to be warriors, who in faith and courage stare down the Goliaths that dare to cast the shadow of fear over us. It only took 1 stone for even David to face a looming giant of fear….I know our Father, who was the same to David that he is to us today, promises us the same victories.
I am growing out of my fraidy cat status little by little. My Allume trip was part of that effort. 🙂 1 John 4:18 is a dear scripture to me. And, I did know it was Bangladesh not Cambodia. :-/ Working on too little sleep and a double ear infection does that to me!
no worries Carol! Sorry to hear youve been sick too!
Logan: Wow, so much swirling for you right now. And I’m sorry for that. When “good things” are on the horizon, I absolutely believe Satan attacks. All he wants is to derail you, to cause fear and trepidation. But He will see you through! How old is your little guy having tonsil surgery? My daughter had it done when she was in PreK (5 yrs old). That alone is a tough road, but thankfully it’s temporary (about a week of hard). I wrote about it on my blog because there was NOTHING out there in the way of advice or support. In our case, it was far worse then we were led to believe by our doctor. I pray your experience is less challenging. If you are curious, this is the first of several posts on the tonsillectomy (and adenoids came out too):
If there was one thing that helped my daughter it was ice chips! It soothed better then water ice or ice cream (imagine!).
Trusting better days are ahead for you!
Christy @ A Heartening Life
Thank you Christy! My other son had his tonsils out at 4 and I agree, it was much harder on him than I had been prepared for. Just a couple of weeks to get his sweet little self back. My youngest had his adenoids out when he was 18 months, hoping that it’d help stave off the tonsilectomy. Poor little one. I appreciate your prayers!
Sweet friend, you will most certainly have my prayers in abundance!! I often believe that the stronger the attack the bigger, and more important the mission ahead. There are great things to come out of all of this. I also have sadness for you concerning your friend and the family of this young girls. This fallen world just glares at us sometimes when it would be so easy to look away. Thank you for staring it in the eye and calling it out to all of us to lift up in prayer. So thankful to have you as an example of living boldly on the wire in my life!
Hugs Amy! You are a gift my friend!
Logan~ I love your warrior heart. Praying for you and your community and your family. God has you–He has all of this, and nothing happens that He doesn’t know about or didn’t see coming. May you find rest under His feathers, and grace in the hard moments of refining and testing.
thank you Kris!The good news is that Jesus always wins!
Committed to praying for you…
Thank you my friend!
Prayers coming your way my sweet friend…and I promise to pray daily for the all of your request for the next few weeks.
I just love your guts sweet Mary Bonner!
I’m praying for you, Logan. In my Bible time this morning, was Romans 8:26 -. So much happens, but no matter what happens nothing can separate us from God’s love, not cancer, not suicide, not sorrow, not, not knowing. Hunker down under your shield of faith, pull it over you tightly and hold on. As long as you are under the shield of faith, the enemy cannot get to you. When you are weak, His is strong; and, He will bring other women around you to hold you up in prayer…I am one and, so are the other women who are commenting here today.
Thank you Diane! That verse is the one we have over our oldest child! I love it! You are so right! So thankful to count you among the prayer warriors at my side!
I will pray for you Logan and your family. I know when fear leaps up and grabs us by the throat that the way to beat it back is despite its grip we proceed to do that which we know we must and as we do so fears grip will fall away.
Thanks Mark!