I bought a new purse last week before I went to Haven. My old one was getting sort of raggedy looking, and when I found the perfect platinum colored new purse for just $20, it was a no-brainer.
I don’t know if you’re one of those people who switch purses to go with your outfit or what, but I personally do NOT fall into that category. So…I have to periodically clean out my purse so that I can find things that I actually use. Maybe you’re the same way. Or maybe you keep the same purse, but like your car, it’s kept spic and span. I just went all out this time and dumped the whole thing onto my kitchen table. The contents made me laugh and my 6-year-old said the picture above looks like one of the “Seek and Find” book pages he favors.
So, in the instance that you want to feel more normal…or you might need to just know that the rest of my life isn’t as perfect as my laundry room, I thought we’d have a little fun poking fun at the mess I called the contents of my purse.
I found:
- wallet, phone, and business cards
- but wait…there’s a mushed granola bar in this snapshot too (just in case)
- Burts Bees hand salve (ok…this is good stuff)
- Alright, there’s also a full sized Sugar Daddy, a dum dum, bag of mexican gummy pandas, and some old receipts.
- Looks like there’s a band-aid hiding in there too
- You never know when you might need a brand new USB device?! Or…an entire bag of picture hangers.
- Or how about school pictures? A bouncy ball? Sunglasses cleaner (which I’ve actually become addicted to using since getting my first nice pair of sunglasses in almost 10 years.) Or how about a few more dum dums, pens, pens, pens, chapstick, chapstick, more receipts, wrappers, a flashlight? Oh wait…don’t forget that you never know when you might need some pesos…bills and coins. The white box is a tiny first aid kit, and that strange looking circle on top…well, let’s take a closer look at that….
- GROSS! So, upon further inspection, I discovered that this is a Mexican coin with a couple of craisins really smooshed onto it. That really spells AWESOME doesn’t it?! EWW!
- And last, but not least…a full pack of Fun Flossers. For you know, those moments where your kids just can’t wait to get flossing?!?! Say what?
So there you have it…the story of my life…in one purse.
*Find anything you think is particularly funny? What’s the most random thing you’ve ever found in your purse? Please, help me feel more normal and let me know in the comments below! Whatcha hiding in your bag?
LOVE IT: “a Mexican coin with a couple of craisins really smooshed onto it.”
oh, yes. there are things that decay in my purse.
btw, love your cute new purse AND LOVE YOU!!!!! miss you!
Should I even confess that I have found week old chicken nuggets, fries, and even once I found a wrapped up hot dog?! Hey…just a momma wanting to make sure that my kids aren’t still hungry if they didn’t finish their lunch?!
OMG, girlfriend!! yes, i just started reading your blog today. your creativity and energy are awesome and exhausting to read about. back to that purse….at first i laughed, recalling the good ole days of my life as a young mother. then i became fearful that some dept of social services monitor might actually remove your children for living in the same house with a contaminated, living organism. no, not you…your purse. seriously, though, what else would we expect from an outstanding wife, mother, sister, friend (i don’t sound too prejudiced, do i?) who has her true priorities correct. after all, life really is for dessert (preferably chocolate).
Glad you think that my purse is really just an exhibit of correctly ordered priorities. Now how then, shall we explain my car? (A veritable trail mix on the floor there as well?!) I’m thinking that should also fall into the “properly ordered priority” category as well! Glad you found me and hope you’ll share the blog with friends! Hugs!
This is so funny. I think most moms have some odd things in their purses. You just don’t know when you might need that little car with no wheels of another tootsie pop. The most disgusting thing I ever had in my purse was years ago when my kids were little…..a baby bottle with sour milk in it…..and it stank! I don’t know how long it was in there!
It was nice meeting you at Haven, hope you’re keeping cool!