In Spanish, the word “Luchador” means “fighter.” Technically it refers to “free fighting” or “free wrestling” and is a pretty big deal in Mexico.
I think it’s pretty much the Mexican version of WWF.
The Luchadors wear masks to cover their faces. Apparently, sometimes the loser of a match has to remove his mask…exposing him for the mere man beneath. Seems to be some form of losing the “superman” sort of status.
You may be surprised to learn that in our All-American home, I’m not just the mother of warriors, but also of little luchadors.
One of them will always be exposed as the mere man in any competition though, because Uncle Buds (my brother) only brought one mask home from Mexico as a birthday present to my oldest. It is pretty much awesome, and both of my boys love it.
But as with any real “fighters,” injuries happen.
My littlest luchador suited up the other day, complete with mask and coincidentally matching superhero cape I made a few years ago for my oldest’s Christmas gift. It is a crazy cool cape and took me quite a bit of work. The combination of these 2 items really make for a pretty stinking professional luchador look if I do say so myself. Don’t you think?
It’s a terrible picture, snapped on my phone in a hurry, but you get the idea.
Well, Little Luchador was so excited about his get-up the other day that he ran full-speed ahead into my room to show me. Unfortunately, luchador masks are sized mostly for grown-ups, and Little Luchador had impaired vision….as in, I don’t think he could see a thing.
He ran mouth first into my knee…and it hurt us both.
Remember a few months back when this same little bruiser endured another oral trauma? Well, $600, a crown on his front tooth, and just 8 months later, he’s knocked his tooth loose again. His expensive crowned tooth that we justified would cost us about 30 cents a day to provide him with a full set of teeth until he’d naturally lose it closer to age 7, might not actually even make it even a year. My rudimentary math tells me that at this rate, we’ve paid close to $2.50 per day to have a tooth.
It’s the cost I guess of raising warriors….and Luchadors.
*** How about you? What’s the cost of raising warriors in your life? Financial? Relationships? Maybe you’ve even moved somewhere for your kids? Whatever it is, if we want our kids to be super people….there’s gonna be cost somewhere. And most of the time, the price is for more than just teeth…
I can totally relate, I don’t have boys but I do have VERY clumsy girls. One of my twins about 6 months ago at age 2 1/2 broke her bed rail pushing on it and fell face first on the hardwood = one less front tooth! They are both still cute and after your other picture now I need to make corn on the cob tomorrow, does that make me a bad mommy, lol!!