I’ve had to be in bed way too many hours lately, and my creative bone is being forced to rest way more than seems natural. I’ve been all over the web looking for super fun things to do with my kids this week since it’s spring break. Of course, they’re now at my mom’s for a couple of days so that I can have surgery again today. Indulge me while I show you (and provide links) to a few things I’d hoped to do this week that are creatively awesome!

Yes…these are cupcakes made in REAL egg shells! And can I tell you how badly I wanted to make them this week?! For the love….this is the most incredible Easter treat ever (next to a Cadbury cream egg of course!) I’ll never forget when I was a kid getting what appeared to be a plain white hard-boiled egg in my Easter basket. When I began to peel it though, inside the egg, injected in some super secret and amazing way, was chocolate! That egg was solid chocolate…or solid gold…depending upon how you look at it! So when i saw these cupcakes…imagine my delight. Cake…in an egg. Just plain awesome!
Or how about this happy little face shining up at you?! Listen, I’m still not sure what the bunny has to do with Jesus’ Resurrection, but I think once I heard it’s some pagan nod to fertility or something. Whatever irrelevance it has with the holiday is beyond me, but I’m not gonna stress about the bunny and why he matters. He really doesn’t…but still, it’d be SO FUN to make this! I mean, if I were staying at the Hilton Doubletree (which is where this picture originated) and they brought this to my kids on Easter morning, I can’t say with certainty that I wouldn’t ask for them to take my plain short stack back and amp it up a little…bring me back a bunny face too!
Or look what else I found. It’s no bunny…but still, a toasty brown bear is pretty stinking adorable!
I also had great intentions to let my kids paint some old frames and pop this awesome printable into them. If you check out Willow of Wonder, she’s made this free printable available in other colors.
Pretty great huh? I had plans to decorate my Easter table around them with some other flowers and random knick knacks. Check out this cutie little floral arrangement I happened upon! The site this is from was what appears to be a pretty phenomenally beautiful wedding. I wish I could have gone to it, but alas, I have no idea who Adrienne and Daniel are. I think we’d be friends though.

This year, it looks like the reality of 2 folders of tax documents sitting in the middle of the dining room table will take center stage after all. In 2013 though, I will have our Easter Egg Hunt again, and do a fabulous tablescape. I will make cupcakes in egg shells with my kids, and bunny pancakes several times! For now, all dreaming aside, I must deal with reality, which isn’t nearly so pretty and cheery. Even superman had cryptonite…we just can’t do everything all the time! But if I could…wouldn’t all of these things be so much fun?!
Wish I could hug all of your necks! Please pray for me today as I do have to go through another D&C around lunchtime. Thanks friends! Get out and do something fun today…for your kids…for you…for me!
I realize this may sound like a pithy analagy but bear with me…I have a point. When I was little my Granny Dot gave Stef and me the most beautiful complementary dresses to wear for Easter. They were springy and light and we sure looked good together (at least I thought so-Stef hated dresses and thus had a differing opinion.) I loved them because it signified a change in the season in my young mind-a new dress for the new life Christ provided in the form of Easter and spring. But often we would wake up on Easter the times it was early in the calendar year and realize those dresses weren’t going to be warm enough, despite tights and sweaters and mom would have to beg me to wear something else…something *gasp* I had worn before. Anyway she would say, the dress will still be new when you wear it the first time. It will still be beautiful and signify the season. Now I am old enough to know and understand God doesn’t care what we wear to church, how many times its been worn or any of that BUT the idea is the same. He is Risen all the time and if Easter activities with your kids relate to celebrating that knowledge with them and connect to a lesson you want them to learn and live, then I say make cupcakes in eggs next week, have a bunny pancake for breakfast next Saturday, decorate your table with flowers and the bears…well the bear toast looks like the start of a Fall Mountains campout cookout party and not Springtime anyway. I think you can turn these decoratives into lemonade…what better way to show the boys the Easter message (the real one with a empty tomb) is forever and isn’t tied to one day on a modern calendar. Just a thought. I am praying for you today!