The other night I was humming in the shower when I had the thought that I’ve had a gazillion times…
I REALLY wish I could sing.
Like… for real sing. As it is, I fall in the “make a joyful noise” category of singers, but I sure wish I could belt it. The kind of singing that gives people cold chills.

My friend Donna can sing like that. And, just because I can’t sing myself doesn’t mean I don’t know a real singer when I hear one. Donna has pipes like Kelly Clarkson (who’s voice I LOVE)…with that awesome grittiness, yet soft and beautiful strength in her voice. I wish I had somehow recorded her singing at church a couple of weeks ago….repeating the words “There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain…break every chain….break every chain.” I’m not kidding you…her voice released the spirit of a Living God breaking chains all over that room. It was…one of those moments.
And I wish I could sing like that.
So as I was thinking about that, I started thinking of all the other things I find myself wishing I did too. Not in a dissatisfied-with-my-life sort of way, but the way you feel when you watch a movie like “Step Up” and you SOOO wish you could break it down and dance like that. (And yes…I’ve watched all of those teeny bopper dance movies….and tried to practice dancing awesomeness afterwards in front of the mirror. My renditions fall somewhere in the same category kind of category that my singing does.)
So here are a few things that my alter-ego self would do and be. And I’m TOTALLY curious what you picture yourself doing too…so leave a comment at the end and do share. We all have these things I’m sure…so here I go with some of mine.
As already stated, I wish I could sing….awesomely.

I also wish I could dance. (I can swing dance a little, but I also have a secret desire to dance like on those street dancing movies…Step Up and the likes. I also imagine myself as a really phenomenal ballroom dancer. Like on Dancing with the Stars. I basically wish I could cut a rug any way I wanted.)
In my alternate self, I would be a biker chick. I’d not be violent or predisposed to wearing things like chaps and pasties (which I’ve TOTALLY seen at the Sturgis, SD motorcycle rally before.) But I do love the wind-in-your-hair freedom of being on a motorcycle. And there’s something about the grittiness of biker people that I find oddly appealing. Alas, since I’ve had children, I find myself much more aware of the dangers…and while I’ve done it before, I’d not be caught on a motorcycle pretty much ever again without a helmet.

I have always kinda wanted to be a cowgirl too. Riding horses in the wide open with views of glacial mountain ranges. I would definitely be sporting chaps for that dream though. And wearing my amazing boots. In fact, if I were a cowgirl, I think I’d have lots of pairs of amazing boots. And if I were a cowgirl, my Hubs would wear wranglers…even though I actually don’t think they do a thing for even the cutest butt.
Or a fashion designer. I think that’d be neat too. I have a creative eye, but to have that sort of vision. Love that!
Or a motivational speaker. I love those people! That make you want to get up out of your chair and do something more, be something better, live life fuller and more meaningful. Yes….that’d be amazing too.
A professional chef. I’ve cooked in restaurants before, but that’s not the same thing. I wish I was a chef that was dominating the creative food scene…winning James Beard awards and becoming an Iron Chef. I just see those things and well…let’s be honest, I really just want to break out a fork and eat.
I love being me. Truly, I do. But… it would be a blast to be me with some of these other things too huh?! Can you see it…a singing, breakdancing, biker chick in a 10 gallon hat, singing a motivational song to change people’s lives?!
Yeah…I’m not so sure that I envision that well either. But it’d be fun.
How about you? Any secret wishes you have? Do tell!!!
Cowgirl all the way. I’d dress just like Dallas Barbie. Should you go the cowgirl route I’ve got good news for you! Wranglers have come a long way..I’m wearing a pair now as a matter of fact 🙂 google wrangler booty up….not sure what they’ve done for the cowboys but lemme tell you they’re a booty lifting miracle for all the cowgirls!
In a perfect world, I would be a ballet dancer I think…. but they can’t eat anything but air so that would be a problem…
I’ve really only ever wanted to write! I don’t have a career that I sit around and pine over… one day I’d like to maybe own a bakery, but I’m too flighty for that just yet.