My friend Beth, at Home Stories A to Z, wrote a great post on the word “Bubbles” the other day…how she’s chosen it as her word of the year. She said lots of neat things about bubbles and the ideas they bring to mind.

And I just had to share with you about the bubble I saw today that made me cry. Just a tiny little blip of a bubble on a fuzzy looking black and white screen….but in that bubble, there is life.
Yep friends….I’m preggers! Almost 6 weeks.
We found out on Christmas day…what a fun present!
I was lying in the bed that afternoon reading, and all of a sudden out of nowhere I felt like I heard the Lord say “Merry Christmas! Now get up a take a pregnancy test!” Maybe you think that’s nuts…that’s fine…it kinda was, but after a miscarriage in November, I can honestly say that I wasn’t exactly expecting pregnancy so soon afterwards. I really wasn’t thinking about it.
I looked all over trying to find a test and didn’t even know the date of my last cycle without consulting my calender first. I finally found a random test that a friend gave me when I decorated her nursery recently. It was day 25 and really sort of a fat chance of telling really early….but I’ve found out early with all of my other pregnancies, so I took it…even though it was early, and even though it was 4pm (when you’re suppossed to take those things right when you wake up in the morning.)
It took forever….so long in fact, that I crawled back in bed to keep reading. After awhile I leaned over just to check it…not thinking much about it until I saw this….
WOW! SERIOUSLY?! What a fun Christmas present!
I’ve been waiting to write about it until after my first appointment which was today. Everything looks good and we couldn’t be more excited! Looks like I’m gonna be sweating my tootsie off this summer in SC with a due date at the beginning of September, but I’ll take it!
Would appreciate your prayers for a safe pregnancy for me and excellent health for Bubbles! Yep….calling this baby Bubbles….for now anyhow. It’s a bit too much for a real name, but seems like a fun one until we know if it’s a he or she and give a real name. I’m thinking Bubbles might just be this baby’s blog name too though….so get used to it friends!
Been excited to share the news! Between my sister’s baby shower last weekend in New Jersey, and my super tired self manufacturing new life here lately…I’ve been slack on the blogging front! We’ll get back there eventually though! Hang in there with me!
Congratulations!! So happy for you:-). What a wonderful Christmas surprise/present/blessing!
That is the best bubble of the year!! Congrats love! How exciting :). Blessing on you and your tiny baby bump!
Congratulations Logan! I will be praying for you and Bubbles!
wow, Loges!
that is wonderful news!! so happy for you!
Sonhappy for you Logan! I’ll be praying for you and baby. Congrats!
SO excited for you – what a wonderful Christmas blessing!! 🙂 I’m just a wee bit jealous! ::wink::
Yippee!! Cutest bubble I’ve seen!! What a super wonderful Christmas gift! Praying for you friend!!
Thank you, LORD!
Thrilled with you!
Logan, congratulations ! Bi always enjoy reading. Your post
Congratulations Logan! So excited and happy for you. I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy