I’m back…from a fantastic birthday weekend away in the Blue Ridge Mountains with my Hubs. We stayed in Blowing Rock, NC (which is amazing, and I’ll write more about that later) and drove a little over an hour on Saturday to bicycle 34 miles along the Virginia Creeper trail in Damascus, Va. It was such a great refreshing time away, but I’m glad to have my kiddos back now too! I’ll tell you more soon about both Blowing Rock and the Virginia Creeper, but I have to start the week off with a colossal humiliation I had. Don’t you know I stuck my foot in my mouth at some point?! This one requires a back story which is also pretty embarrassing.
The back story: Last week I was at the gym working out on some machine that sort of imitates skating I guess. Anyways, it’s positioned at the top of the stairs so that you see everyone who comes up. I was exercising away when a gentleman (I’d guess late 40’s early 50’s) walks up the stairs and I had one of those moments where you KNOW that you know the person, but can’t remember for the life of you how. He was clearly having the same thought, but it was obvious that neither of us figured it out by the time he reached the top of the stairs, so then there was one of those awkward moments where you try to pretend that you weren’t just staring a hole in the person trying to place them afterall. He walks on past and hops on a treadmill…meanwhile I’m still staring at him out the corner of my eye going nuts that I couldn’t remember how I knew him. Then it hits me like a ton of bricks…and in my mind, this is the exact thought that I had: “OH…I know how I know him!!! He’s seen my who-who! Yes…that would be Dr M, who delivered my second child!” And then I had a moment of mortification that’s stuck with me the entire week….wondering how in the world it completely slipped my mind to remember a person who totally saw me naked… and more than that, who delivered my baby! Granted, the whole out of context thing threw me for a loop…but still.
So, now for the more recent story:
The Gideon Ridge Inn where we stayed this weekend is amazing. It has a fabulous covered stone porch across the back of the house that overlooks the Blue Ridge mountains. The main porch is sort of blocked off from a walkway that then passes onto a private terrace. That private terrace is accessed from the room we were staying in, but isn’t completely inaccessible from the main porch (just clearly blocked off by giant stone deterrents.) At one point I’d just hopped out of the tub and was in the process of getting dressed when I looked up and saw a man who had just wandered onto our private porch (I don’t think he even realized he was on a private porch…he was just staring off into the distance.) I freaked out though and jumped behind the bed and was hiding…yelling at my Hubs who was taking a shower at the time because I didn’t know what to do. I guess one of the inn staff saw him and called him off the porch because then he seemed startled too and walked away. When we headed out to go to dinner, I mentioned to the manager that it might be a good idea to consider a rope or something with a sign indicating that area as a private terrace. I wasn’t upset, but a little embarrassed and surprised more than anything. We had a good laugh about it with the general manager though.
The next night we switched rooms because the first room hadn’t been available for 2 nights. One of the female staff from the night before jokingly mentioned that hopefully we wouldn’t have anyone hopping onto the terrace again surprising me. The night manager was there and overheard the comment and was mortified. He thought another guest had literally hopped onto the uber-private terrace of our second room (unaware that we had switched rooms) and surprised me in the buff. Which would have been truly creepy if that was the case, but it wasn’t…and we all realized what he thought and started laughing about the misunderstanding of what was truly an inadvertent wandering in the first place. Then he said “Well, I’m sorry regardless that someone you don’t know may have seen you.” And then…remembering the incident last week with Dr. M, and thinking also in the back of my mind about how many people you don’t know who are there when you deliver a baby, I said…
“Oh…I’m SURE that’s not the only time someone I don’t know has seen me naked.”
WHAT?! Did I just say that?!
I realized what I’d said immediately AFTER it came out of my mouth and how awful it sounded, and then burst out in embarrassing laughter…saying “No…No…No….not that…not what I mean” but by then it was too late. Everyone was laughing hysterically at me.
I explained the whole conversation to my hubs who then had a really hearty laugh at my expense and said, “oh babe…that’s a bad one. That made it sound like you were a stripper or something!”
Yes…I know. So mortified. I’m not a stripper. I never have been. And hopefully the night manager doesn’t think that I am/was now either!
One of these days I’m going to actually really think through things before I let them come out of my mouth. Have mercy!
Also, the winner from the Gussy Sews giveaway from this past Monday is…Drumroll please…..
entry #113 Crystelle Carrick!
Congratulations Crystelle! It looks like you will get to use that credit towards an iPad case! You have 48 hours from timestamp of this post to send me an email at Logan dot Wolfram at gmail dot com with your contact information so that I can pass it along to Gussy! Thanks to the lovely and talented Gussy Sews for sponsoring this fantastic giveaway!
And don’t forget, you still have til tomorrow morning at 6am to enter to win the giveaway from Red Letter Words. The giveaways from Jennie Leigh Designs for Annie Sloan Chalk Paint (ends Wed,) KEEN Footwear (ends Thurs,) and the Life for Dessert prize pack from yours truly (ends Fri) are still open as well. Don’t miss out…and pass them along so your friends don’t miss out either!
The truth comes out! I shoulda known!
You don’t know how excited I am to see my name right there!!! I emailed you, but just in case, my email is: [email protected]