So, today is Friday and I’m wrapping up this week of giveaways celebrating the launch of the new, improved, and dot com Life for Dessert. If you came by this week just to win something, I sure hope you’ll stick whether you win or not. I’ll have more giveaways in the future, and you never know what other random fun-ness just might happen around here either! You still have time to enter all of the giveaways from this week, and next week I’ll start announcing winners. Each giveaway will run for one week from the time stamp of the post.
I wanted to round out the week with a little mix of things that are straight from me. As a way to say “thank you” to all of you friends old and new who come by and share a little piece of your day and life with me. I’m really grateful to be a part of your lives and glad to call you friends.
I’ve created a gift grouping of things that I think are essentials (well maybe not entirely essential, but still fun) to enjoying life for dessert…at least for me. I almost put a bag of my favorite coffee in the mix, but then I thought to myself…that’s just SO essential that it hardly seems exciting!
I’ve written about all of these things before, so if you’ve been around, then none of these will come as a surprise…if you’re new, then WELCOME and these are some of my favorite things!
1) Stop and Smell the Rosemary Cookbook by the Junior League of Houston (one of my all time favorites. I don’t think there’s a bad recipe in the whole thing…and it’s a gorgeous book in general.)
2) Charleston Favorites Stone Ground Yellow Grits. Grits are a southern thing, and around here, Shrimp and Grits are perhaps my most favorite recipe…both in my house and in my state (SC.) I figured you all might just need to have a good grit and see what all the fuss is about in case you didn’t know already.
3) My very own take on my favorite Goody Goody Bon Bon slippers. I made these slippers and they’ll fit a woman’s foot from about size 7-9. They are cute and comfy and handmade, and I hope you’ll feel extra special shuffling around your house in them!
4) Two pairs of regular rise Hanky Panky undies. (they retail for $18-25 per pair!) If you don’t know about these, well, you’ve been missing out. And now, for a more in-depth explanation, go HERE to catch up on why Hanky Panky are seriously the best underwear ever. Besides…how cute are those?!
It has been a crazy week ya’ll! I have had so much fun gathering together all of the amazing products and vendors to sponsor our givaways this week! I’ve loved being able to share the newly renovated blog look and to be able to bring together some of my favorite things for you to have a chance to win. Seriously…it has been SO MUCH FUN for me to do this. SO. Much. Fun. Many thanks to Gussy Sews, Red Letter Words, Jennie Leigh Designs (stockist of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint), and KEEN Footwear for celebrating with me and bringing awesomeness to you guys reading…both in quality of products, and opportunities to win some of them as well!
Like I said, I’ll announce the first winner (of the Gussy Sews shop credit) on Monday of next week. You’ll have 48 hours to claim your prize or I’ll have to draw another winner if I don’t hear back in that timeframe. And that would be a bummer for you.
In the meantime, I have a birthday coming up this weekend. Yep…it’s true. On Sunday I’ll be the big THREE THREE! Or at least I think that’s what I’ll be….sometimes I forget….1978 though, year I was born.
I’m quickly reaching the age when I don’t care so much about my age….I’m still having enough fun to drive through the K5 carline on my bike (with the pickup tag proudly displayed on my handlebars) even though I look like a complete idiot and middle school boys yell things like “Awesome bike” and pump their triumphant fists in the air. I’m reaching that age where I’m finding that I am pretty darn comfortable with who I am and my life…and if I think my kid might smile bigger because I roll up on my bike behind 2 minivans, a Honda Pilot and a Suburban in carline…well, then bring on 34!

The Hubs and I are taking a weekend away without our munchkins to celebrate yours truly. We’re going to bike a 34 mile trail on Saturday (here’s to hoping those spin classes pay off!), and the rest of the time I’m hoping to sleep some and I’ll probably also eat whatever the heck I want…which just might include cake at every meal and I’m hoping also perhaps at least one fried green tomato BLT. So you won’t hear much from me til Monday…I’ll be doing my birthday thang. Hope you’ve had as much fun this week as I have! Have a great weekend!
To enter today’s Life for Dessert giveaway:
Mandatory entry: I want to know what is one thing you either do or have that helps you enjoy your life like dessert?!
For extra entries leave separate comments detailing each action: You can earn 1 extra entry for each action taken for a total of 6 extra entries…1) Follow Life for Dessert on Google Friend Connect, 2) Like Life for Dessert on Facebook, 3) Subscribe to receive the Life For Dessert feed, 4) Post this link on your Facebook wall, 5) Follow LifeforDessert on Twitter 6)Tweet this link to all of your Twitter followers.
Just wanted to say have a wonderful birthday and a great time away!
Thanks so much Kim!
Hi Logan! What a giveaway for today! Wow! The thing Thad and I have been doing lately to make our life ‘like dessert’ is cooking together. We think of something we have always wanted to make and make something new each weekend. It is a good way to spend time together and the kids love it to – they run in and out of the kitchen while playing for samples 🙂
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Have a fabulous weekend away!
What do I do to enjoy my life like dessert!!! I read your blog of course! It’s like a little slice of key lime pie or to my ordinarily vanilla days! I also like to snuggle with my babies…they are the best dessert ever!
Have, silly, laughing, dancing, smiling, singing, hugging, snuggling days with my boys….. and an early morning with a great cup of a warm beverage, my favorite blogs and my Bible…. especially when it is an early morning at the beach or on top of the world at Mossy Rock Lodge!!!!
Hope you have a Happy Birthday! I enjoy my life for dessert when i am watching a beautiful TexaS Sunset enjoying a Dr. Pepper watching Addison playing and laughing….wish that I had her energy!
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One thing that makes my life like a dessert is drinking sweet tea on the back porch with my family in North Carolina after being away from them for a year and a half in Europe. Such a sweet time! 😉
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I love your website, Logan. You have done really great. Totally proud of you. I even was bragging to Brent about how great it was.
One thing I love to do to make my life sweeter is to take the time to stop and have a real conversation with my boys. It makes them feel like what they are saying is the most important thing in the world.
Hope you have a very happy birthday!
I love squeezing in small moments through out the day to be creative: smocking, paper crafting, sewing, decorating. But the thing that helps me make the most out of life is quiet time in scripture while the kids are napping. Hope you have a great getaway with your husband! Oh and I LOVE that you pick your son up on your bike (I might go so far as saying I am a little jealous of your great “setup”).
Blog looks great and I read it a lot! One thing we’ve started doing to appreciate the life of dessert we have is to volunteer together as a family. Even though Spencer is only 3 we still find opportunities to serve others in which he can participate. It is a great family thing to do and hopefully makes him realize what a great life he has!
I just try not to take anything for granted. I want to enjoy every moment with hubby and kids cuz there are times when I can’t join them because of my fibro.
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Well, the thing that makes my life like dessert is hanging out with my groom at night after the kids go to bed. Whether we’re watching one of our TV shows or playing the Wii, I love that time together. Another one is when I look at my kids while we’re in the car and they’re singing their hearts out into their microphones to the tune of Eye of the Tiger. Those hilarious moments make my world a little lighter.
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Enjoying my life for dessert this summer has included spending at least one day a week in PJs all day with my girls…sometimes you just need days with no real agenda!
Hope you have a fabulous birthday weekend!
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One thing we do is Family Game Night…life gets so hectic with Mark’s traveling, school, homework, and activities! Family Game Night gives us a chance to reconnect and have a little fun!
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I have been learning to meet each day with joy, no matter what the day will bring. After almost dying e times in the hospital last year, being left with a big wound & wound vac for 3 months and a colostomy, I have been learning that each day is a gift. That is dessert to me. I have appreciated my hubby much more, too.
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One last thing. I like the idea of the thongs. Since I had my colostomy last year, I can no longer wear full sized panties. The thongs would be great! I am going to have to check them out.
Taking time each day to soaked up my fun 4 year old, kids def. help you make life for dessert! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Spending time snuggling with my golden retriever Sullivan helps make my life like dessert!
I already like you and your blog on facebook, so I added this link to my status. Enjoy your weekend!
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My dessert in life is snuggling with my babies–5 yrs and 6 months 🙂
Logan, I’m really just commenting b/c I honestly think you do like to hear about other’s life desserts. I have many that involve my hubs and boys but the two things every single year that truly get me getty with glee are my spa weekend get away with my mom and sister and my girls’ trip with my college roommates. Does the heart good!! Happy Birthday
Marg, I really do like hearing about other’s life for dessert! Truly, this has been my MOST favorite comment thread yet! I’m gonna have to think of more things like this to ask people! I have LOVED it!
Happy Birthday!
Everyday I make life like dessert by taking my wonderful dog Reba to the park that surrounds a lake. I watch the Sun rise over the trees and it feels like the best dessert…
Body Shop peppermint foot soak is mine.
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Hope you have a happy birthday, Logan. You’re an amazing woman (I LOVE the bike pix). You’re one of the most creative people I know! My life for dessert moment –sometimes I slow down on my long runs to soak it in a bit more and enjoy the moment, or I will run without my headphones so I can hear the birds. It’s a moment I think God gives just to me.
To enjoy my life as dessert I try to go outdoors as much as possible {even in this heat!}. I love to go on outdoor adventures and have such fond memories of all of them! Have a lovely weekend!
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One thing that I do to help make life like a dessert is laugh, laugh all the time, about all things (appropriate of course, don’t want to put anyone down..) I love making others laugh and also just laughing at myself. I think I’m going to have some serious laugh wrinkles when I get older, but I don’t really care because my heart is full of joy!
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Sounds silly…but the one thing that helps me enjoy life like dessert is my Roomba vacuum cleaner because it frees up time for me to spend with my girls instead of constantly vacuuming. It also collects all the stray Barbie shoes, hairbows, Sillybandz (argh), and corrals all the other little critters hiding under my couch! My Roomba is a great motivator to get my girls to pick up their toys before bed, too, so they won’t get “eaten” by Roomba in the morning before they wake.!/profile.php?id=828483399- posted on FB!/_sahm_i_am Tweeted on Twitter
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snuggling on the couch with any member of my family is my life for dessert…
My life like dessert is quite literal: I eat dessert first! Possibly even skipping the actual dinner just so I can have my cake. Even right now, there is some Boston Creme Pie calling my name for breakfast in the fridge. 🙂
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Reading what is going on at your house is always a treat for me! It is a great way to keep up with some of my most special people!
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Every once in a while I treat myself. Everything’s usually about Blair and Brad, but it’s nice to have something for me too!
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I have Life for Dessert everytime I am able to share in life with someone else with even the smallest of gestures – a warm cookie, a hug, a prayer, a walk in a garden, a conversation, a cup of tea, etc.
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Seriously I had no idea how awesome and wonderful being a mom would be. For me, I seriously consider Ava the best bowl of ice cream covered in whipped cream with a cherry on top. From her happy, smiling face in the morning to our whispers whn I put her down for a nap, and watching my husband Blake play “where’s the baby?” over and over again while I cook dinner….I feel like every single day with her here has made my life so filled with sprinkles, Bon bons, milky ways, and strawberry shortcakes. She has made my life as dessert!
I enjoy Life for Dessert when I remember to move at a two year old’s pace. It makes me a more relaxed Momma to Ben and it allows time for checking out bugs, picking up sticks, daydreaming and impromptu dance parties. Having kids is DESSERT every day!
My Life for Dessert moment- spending time with my children/family.
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One thing Ive recently done to make sure I’m enjoying life like dessert is to treat myself to one new piece of jewelry every month or two. Sounds little, but being a stay at home mom, theres just something about jewelry that makes me feel just a little more glamorous when I do get to go out and dress up!
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Some time this year my sister and I joined the Godiva Rewards Club where you get to pick a piece of chocolate out of the case each month for free! This freebie created a once a month night of shopping, talking and chocolate, just us, literally life for dessert!
I sometimes have chocolate for breakfast! And I indulge in fine cheese regularly.