Ok, so not really. But I do make fun of people who do.
I have to tell you a funny story of these sunglasses here on the left though.
I bought them on Friday night at this cool vintage store while on a date with The Hubs. I feel cool wearing them…even when I haven’t brushed my hair or have make-up on (like in this picture that I can’t believe I’m posting on the internet.) All to say, I like them…even if you think that they’re huge and make me look like a fly…I don’t care…I like them.
Anyhow it was SO hot on Friday night when we were walking around downtown and when we went into this store it was nice and air-conditioned. I perused a bit and bought a shirt to send to my brother on the aircraft carrier. When I went up to pay there was a big case with loads of awesome looking aviators, so I tried this pair on…and then the following conversation ensued between myself and the guy at the register.
Guy: “Here you go”
Me: “Thanks….Wow! I’m so hot that the glasses are fogging!”
Guy: “Yeah! they do look really good….that’s an awesome way to think about it.”
Me (realizing what he thought I meant): “NO!!! I mean literally my forehead is emitting so much heat that the glasses actually fogged!”
Let’s just say we both had a really hilarious laugh at that point. He thought I was being arrogant…you and I just know that I have a serious case of verbal diarrhea.
Then he asked if I wanted the glasses in a bag or if I wanted to wear them and I said “I’m not one of those people who can wear my sunglasses at night. Are you?”
Guy: “No.”
Me:”Seriously though, can anyone really pull of wearing sunglasses at night? I think not.”
Guy: “No….noone can. It’s ridiculous.”
So…there you have it….unless you’re Corey Hart and wrote a song about it that people still love in secret and hate in public, you really shouldn’t do it either. Some things just aren’t meant to actually be done.
lol!!! You are a funny hottie!!