I don’t know about you all, but sometimes there are certain rooms in my house that completely elude me when it comes to how to decorate them. Bathrooms are generally harder for me than other rooms..mostly because there are the same certain elements that you have to deal with and unless you’re overhauling and re-doing tile and cabinetry, you’re kinda working with what you’ve got.
I love wallpaper in a bathroom but it’s more money than I generally want to spend. Painting designs is a great idea too, but typically I don’t want to spend that much time. Thank heavens for fabric you can put on a window treatment and shower curtain, but still, you have to be careful that you don’t divide the room even more with a heavy looking shower curtain. All to say…I think they get tricky.
My boys’ bathroom has been on my list of “make it so I like it” things for awhile now. It’s painted a nice yellow (which, though yellow is a pretty color it is not my favorite) and has a super cute Curious George swinging on a vine that I painted on the wall. I started painting a bird on a sign near the toilet about a year ago and never have finished it.
I just can’t get into the whole cartoon character themed room thing. I’ve never done it…I’m just not a fan. Tid Bit said he wanted that… and ONLY because Curious George is old and super cute did I agree. No offense intended if your kid’s room is all tricked out with Dora or Diego or Backyardigans or something…it’s just not my thing. Even George was a serious stretch for me….which is pretty much why the room has never been finished.
As of late, I’ve been really thinking about what I could do to make the room feel more “us.” I’ve thought about some stylized camo, military looking something or another, but haven’t settled there because if we ever have a girl that’s just not the direction that I’d want to go. Finally the idea hit me when I saw a really cool print at a gift shop when we were in Glacier National Park in Montana.
I don’t know exactly if and how I’ll use each thing in the room til I get a chance to mess around with it all, but for now, I’m super inspired and very excited to get going on it! Stay tuned for this project to come! You know how I get excited about a new idea and can’t wait to get started. At least this time I have “Before” pictures!
i love when inspiration comes like that! great job on your blog!! love reading it!