I have a confession about myself that I really have to share today. A tale of foolish speech, if you will.
On occasion, I come down with a serious case of …
verbal diarrhea.
Hopefully you all know what I’m talking about. Maybe it’s even happened to you.
I did it bad the other night. And I’m not going to explain specifics here, but I have to tell you….I have spent 2 full days and 3 nights still feeling mortified over it myself!
In my efforts to bring up a real valid point the other day, I ended up completely embarrassing myself and I think mortifying the poor recipient of my loose tongue as well. In the midst of sharing a legitimate thought, I was caught off guard by an additional thought and then blurted out the next thing that came through my mind! AWFUL…truly awful. (Anytime you can use the word “blurt” in relaying a story, you can be sure that it’s generally not going to lead to a moment of utter wisdom.)
Since sadly, I’m not a stranger to this phenomenon, I always hope that I haven’t done permanent damage to how the other person feels about me or to a relationship. In this instance, I don’t think I have, but maybe… I just don’t know for sure. So I do the only thing that I know how to do and ask for forgiveness for my complete stupidity. After that I am left with no other choice but to move on and hope they can truly forgive and move on too…and also that I don’t make the same mistake again….EVER! (So now I’m going to take my own advice and move on…let it go! Deep breath…let go!)
Anyways, I just had to tell you…it seems I will spend my life with no shortage of “Tales of a Lesser Woman.”
“Many words mark the speech of a fool.” – Ecc 5:3
Less words next time Logan….Less words!
Hope today that you keep your mouth shut better than me!
– Logan
Been there many times. No fun. I still haven't learned after all these 32 years….