Today I feel like crap. Sorry if that word bothers you…but that’s how I feel.
I went on Friday afternoon to get coffee with friends and it was great. What was not great was laughing so hard that i snorted hot cider into my sinus cavity, somehow snorted it back down my throat, and then back up and down again once more, all the while trying not to spew now regurgitated hot cider all over my friend D.
I don’t know if it’s medically possible to have disrupted said sinus cavity into creating an infection, but that’s what I think I did. And if it’s not medically possible, then a real sickness has impeccable timing to start just a couple of hours after the cider-snorting incident.
And, the visitor that my husband likes to call “Aunt Flo” has come again…for the 4th time in 2 months. Wretch. And if you’re a man reading this, then I’m sorry…you only understand how this inconvenience affects you, so no comment from you is necessary on this subject.
My body is flat tired! I told my husband last night that i have been putting my poor body through the ringer since 2007! After 2 miscarriages (I’ll tell you all more about those another day when I’m not already emotionally charged), and a year of trying to get pregnant, and then finally being pregnant, and then finally having Little Bit, and now still nursing Little Bit….I’m tired!
And it didn’t help yesterday when our family went on an afternoon walk in the neighborhood and to be silly I thought I’d run down the hill pushing Little Bit in the stroller, and things jiggled. I’m not talking about “the girls” who weren’t in a sports bra….I’m talking about other areas…jiggling…and I noticed it. I think it’s time ladies that i got serious and joined the gym…seriously…jiggling. If the sinus issue wasn’t bad enough, the jello run just about put me over the edge.
I think maybe it’s time that my life is the only thing that I’m having for dessert for a little while!
And PS. NO that picture is NOT me…but that’s how i feel some days!
Loges -we all have those days! Keep your chin up and I hope you feel better soon. I am loving the blog, btw!