I love movies…old ones…and old kids’ ones especially. A favorite is Disney’s Peter Pan…the part in particular when Peter grabs Wendy’s hand and they all jump out of the window as Peter yells, “Here We Gooooo!”
I feel that way right now. In a “Here we gooooo” kind of moment.
So… this is my new website. I’m guessing you noticed the change. 🙂 Pull up a chair and peruse around the lovely new space a bit! I’ve simplified things…because that’s the way I want life to feel these days too. Less categories, less fuss, and hopefully more of what really matters to me.
I have to give massive kudos to my dear friend and blog designer Erin Ulrich of Design by Insight for making a space that feels like me…my bloggy living room so to speak. And to Annie Barnett of Be Small Studios for reading my mind and tweaking the logo along the way …something that started one way in my head and ended up so much better. Isn’t that just the way things go?
Chances are that you’re just stumbling into the newness…being that until it went live, I never told anyone I was even doing it. That’s probably bad business, but if you read yesterday, then you know what I think about that. It’s that part of me that is a little bit of whiskey in a teacup too…maybe just bucking the way things always seem to be done.
So no fancy launch right now for me. I thought it’d be neat to start out in this new space with things that really matter to me. To begin this new piece with a piece of my heart spilling out on blank pages and inviting you into the story I’m living…and deeper into the story you are living too.
There is something groaning inside of me right now…welling up…longing to be put to pen and ink or keyboard and monitor and eventually even into pages that can be dog-eared. I’m finally allowing myself to call myself a writer.
I host people in my home all the time. I’ll come into your home and help you wash dishes from a dinner party. I’ll unpack your kitchen when you move, and redecorate your bedroom to pull you out of a slump. My actions are the easy part for me to figure out.
But my words….those are hard and easy all at the same time.
I want you to know that if you’re here, you are invited. If we talk, you are my friend. If my arms could reach through the screen of words and hug you on a bad day, I would. We would have coffee in the morning and wine in the evening and talk long by a crackling fire because that is my favorite place and I can stare into your soul then too.
I have this sign in my kitchen that has remained on the refrigerator since I made it 3 years ago…
In this space…my slice of the interwebs, I desire to cultivate the same feeling that I do in my home. I want to host you well…for you to know that you matter… for this to be a place of joy and life and peace and rest. Know that we will laugh, and cry, and I might even wax poetic with an occasional ode…but mostly I want to be a door that you walk through when you need a friend.
I mean that. I really do.
So to start things off from my heart, I want to take you on a journey with me over the next 2 weeks. A journey that for me started probably long before I even knew I’d embarked on it, but nevertheless find myself living now. When I met and lost touch with Andrew Collie in and after middle school, I never guessed that I’d circle back with him on the red soil of Uganda more than 20 years later.
See… sometimes adventures begin before we even know we’re on one.
I leave tomorrow (Sunday) for nearly 2 weeks…the longest I’ve been away from my family since having children…to adventure in the flesh and in my heart to the expanse of land called Africa.
My friend Kelly asked if it was too late to pack her in my suitcase. Maybe you want to come too?
So count this as your invitation. Come along and process with me, unfurl pieces of your soul along with me as I excavate parts of my heart that I probably don’t even know are buried.
They say that Africa will change a person. I think that for me that change is already beginning.
So in this space…this inaugural voyage on my new website…I smash a bottle of champagne on the hull and invite you to adventure along with me as I journey to Africa with my dear friends at Sole Hope.
Leave a comment? An encouragement? Engage the process with me and excavate pieces of your heart too? You are welcome here…in my suitcase…along for the journey.
Heaps of blessings on you my friends,
Woohoo!!! Love the site. Love the new logo (great job Annie). Love your heart most of all. Joining you in prayer for your adventure. May you be His hands (& feet), touching others’ lives for His glory. And girl I can’t wait to hear about all He teaches you in the process.
Here we goooo! Now I can’t get that out of my head (and I love it). 🙂 I’ve been pondering some changes lately as we’ll so this is a huge encouragement to me…I’m praying for you, Logan, and am so glad you are taking us along on this journey!
beautiful post Logan. Praying for you on this amazing journey. So honored to call you friend and hope to share a glass of wine by the fire in real life after you return to hear all about it!
Love this Logan! Beautiful space! And I love your heart!! Praying for you as you journey to Uganda. Can’t wait to hear how he changes your life through the experience. You are a lovely inspiration to us all!
Love it Logan! You exude true hospitality in every way. I will be praying for your journey!
You continually amaze me and make me proud…I congratulate you on your energy and willingness to let life take you (with God’s guidance) where you might never have contemplated going! Go with GOD and go with the love that we will always have for special you. “Be still and know that I am GOD!” Keep listening, as I feel quite sure HE has much to tell you.
Love you bunches,
Moms and Dads
Love seeing this all come to life and so grateful to be able to follow the journey you’re taking, Logan. Praying much grace for you and your family in the coming weeks. Can’t wait to hear more about the Sole Hope trip. xoxo
It’s fantastic, Logan. And I am praying for you!!