I haven’t posted in a few days, but I have some things…random things, that have been on my mind that really must be shared in no particular order. So here we go.
I joined CrossFit last week. Southern Moon CrossFit to be exact. If you live in the Greenville, SC area and want to remember muscles that you’d forgotten even existed, then you should come join me there. The first day I went with my friends Lisa and Milly, there was a girl who was so ripped up wearing a t-shirt that said, I’m not even kidding you… “Drop It Like A Squat.” I dropped it alright…but I wouldn’t say it was anywhere close to something that would’ve made Snoop Dog proud.
Also, I should tell you that I went to Costco the other day and just happened to find a pretty sweet parking space. It was maybe 7 spaces away from the main entrance. I just lucked out like that. But when I went to leave, and I had a cart FULL mind you, I swear that someone waited 5 minutes for me to load my car and my kid just to get my parking space. Why do people do that?! It was a gorgeous day! Get off your duff people and walk 4 extra spaces. You could’ve already gotten in, grabbed a rotisserie chicken, and sampled something from the Vitamix demo in the time it took to wait. Seriously…ridiculous!
I’m heading to a blogging conference called Blissdom this week. I am super excited to see my dear friend, Susan,the night before I head to the conference! Then, Thursday morning I’m going to meet up with some bloggy friends for brunch to celebrate our friend Heather’s birthday! I’m going to be rooming with my incredible friend, Erika, at Blissdom, who is just simply amazing (and also one of our Allume speakers!) I’ll see loads of great friends, and meet some guys and gals I’ve heard about and connected with online too which will be super fun. I’m really looking forward to it! Please pray for safe travel for me and covering over my family while I’m gone too?
Our house still hasn’t sold. And I can’t, for the life of me, figure out why. It’s a great house. And it still could sell, but after having it on the market since before Christmas with no offers, it’s kind of a bummer. Especially since I was hoping we could move just a couple of houses away to my dream house. Here’s the thing though, it’ll be just fine. And it still could sell, and we still could move a couple of houses away to my dream house, but if we don’t I’ll still be happy and God will still use us in every way he has planned no matter which space we live in.
I’m getting so excited about Allume! I realize it’s not til October, but I’m really starting to see a lot of these past few months of really hard work coming together. I’ve had phone calls with some of our phenomenal speakers and sponsors, and truly, I’m so excited about the things that I believe that God has told us for this conference, and I’m even more excited about the things he has planned that I don’t know about at all! Ohhhh….It’s going to be SOOO good! If you want to come (and you really should) then you can click HERE to be directed to the page to purchase your conference pass! Don’t wait too long though, we’re selling fast!
And look…we updated the logo. Isn’t it so pretty?!
And on a serious note…I’ve been thinking about my sweet friend Melissa every single day since she died. I still can’t believe she’s gone. I was looking through some pictures the other day with my closest group of friends and it’s just so weird and sad to think that we’re down one. I keep trying to remind myself how I walked through deep grief last year when Fisher died, to figure out what I did well last time, and what would help more this time. I keep looking back through all of my blog posts after March 21st last year to see what God was teaching me…and this time I’m asking him not to just teach me the same thing, but to build on the things I learned last time. I know he will. But now is hard. I really miss my friend.
Melissa is on the back row, top left by the way.
I really love these women. We realized the other day that we have to get better about taking pictures together again. This one was like 2 years ago! I have been so blessed in each stage of my life to have the most incredible people around me. People who help me grow from one place to another…who do life, and walk joys and triumphs alongside me. Each stage of my life has had different people…but each stage has held such sweet friendships. This part of my life is no different. Maybe deeper even…walking through things none of us had ever imagined for our lives at 34. And each bit of my life, each friend up until now, has had a hand in making me who I am today. So if you’re one of those people who maybe I don’t see so often anymore, please know that you are so dear to me…that without you, I’m not sure I’d have gotten here so well. God has taught me so much through the body of Christ….oh, just so so much.
Ok…I’m going to eat a salad now and watch a movie with my man. I just had to share a few random thoughts. Thanks for indulging me! And in other blog-related news…I have a super cool giveaway coming up from one of my favorite products ever maybe this week if I can get my act together before I leave for Blissdom!
wish I could make it to Blissdom or Allume one or the other. I haven’t been to a bloggers conference in YEARS!
The random is what makes up most of our lives and how we learn the most about each other, Guess it’s not so random after all. Have a blast at Blissdom. I’ll definitely be checking back for that giveaway. You have great tastes. 🙂