I said the other day that I didn’t really have any pictures of the decor from Allume, and then ya’ll…sweet Anne from Authentic Simplicity sent me some! So I wanted to share. The best part of these is that they didn’t cost much at all!
This lamp set-up was on the stage. We just asked attendees who were local to bring out some lamps, and they did! It looked gorgeous to have the soft light and different heights creating a focal point on the stage. So…even when noone was up there speaking, it was a pleasant place to look! I created a tiered effect by placing one 6 foot table on top of 2 others. We kept the cloth simple with the black linens on the tables and the black pipe and drape which was behind.
Burlap has been my favorite cloth of choice for a couple of years now because it’s cheap, easy to work with, and has fantastic texture. We wanted to create a twinkle effect on the table as well, so we haphazardly strung christmas lights around the table and then covered the ugly cords with the burlap topper. Just bunch it up and go, and enjoy the twinkle of lights peeking through!
The flowers were a variety called alstroemeria that I picked up at Costco. These flowers have a really pretty vintage look to them, they are super cheap, and they have a really long shelf life once cut. I knew that we weren’t going to have gads of time to go around watering flowers over the weekend, so I chose alstroemeria because I knew they could tolerate the neglect of a weekend. They also come in different colors which added a bit of variety. We used the creamy ones on this front display and pinks and reds on the tables.
For me, the piece de resistance were the clusters of GORGEOUS velvet pumpkins from the LoveFeast Table shop. Oh my words ya’ll….look at these things!

I seriously adore these things! I’ve seen junky knock offs at craft stores, but they do not begin to hold a candle to these handmade works of art! Real gorgeous pumpkin stems, plush velvet, and they’re heavy and well made. Seriously….swoon! Anywhoo….LoveFeast let us use their gorgemous pumpkins to decorate and they gave some away too! Uh-mazing!
I made tons of the tissue poms sitting in bed one night a month or so before the conference. These things are SO easy to make and add a bunch of interest for very low cost. As in…the cost of 10 sheets of tissue paper makes one. High impact…low cost. SCORE!
I knew that I wanted the centerpieces to be sort of a vignette of different interesting things. A mix of things old and fresh, texture, color, and interest. Here’s how they turned out….
Dayspring was one of our biggest sponsors and not only are they a company who make gorgeous items, they have the MOST phenomenal people working for them. Seriously…I adore the team of people they brought to make Allume a smashing success! The lovely bird jewelry tree at the center was provided by Dayspring and at the end of the conference, 1 attendee from each table actually won the entire centerpieces! Might I just suggest at this point that jewelry tree would make a fabulous Christmas gift for someone in your life! So so pretty!
You can’t see it in this picture, but I found some vintage looking glittery tags of birds and butterflies that we hung from a couple of the branches. My most favorite things of all were probably the incredible books I found. Allume is a conference for women who love the Lord, but mostly all of them are bloggers and writers. It just seemed appropriate to decorate with lovely books. And I found lots of them with beautiful covers in all different colors that we used all over the space! And if you’ll notice too….burlap table toppers….beautiful and cheapo!
Everything else was a mix of dried and real flowers….dried thistle and hydrangea, fresh alstroemeria, sticks, twigs, nests, small candles, and LoveFeast pumpkins…a hodge podge of stuff shifted and nudged to look haphazardly thrown together, but way too intentional to actually be such.
I LOVED the way these turned out and the best part of all was that SO MANY women commented on how beautiful everything was and how loved they felt because of the details!
Soon, I’ll show you how to make tons of really adorable vintage looking containers to put flowers in for a cost of next to nothing!
So excited to finally share a few pics with you! There’s something so satisfying about seeing a vision actually come together…and even more satisfying that vision speaks love to others! YES! Success!
Oh, memories…
It was beautifully decorated, perfect to illuminate the “LIGHT”.
Good job, my friend!
Love the pic’s and the piece! Blessings!
Brilliant ideas!! I love the use of lamps to “allume”inate the platform. You created such a perfect, cozy environment that nurtured the bonding of kindred writers. Girl, you were an awesome MC this year too! You are so funny!!
Logan, I just wanted to compliment you on the decorations… everything was just so lovely. My daughter Millen actually won the centerpiece at our table, and since she is a very good share-er I get to enjoy the pieces as well 😉 Sadly someone had snitched the velvet pumpkin from our table so I didn’t get one to take home… they were absolutely breathtaking!
I love your tip about using twinkle lights with burlap and I am totally using it when I redo my dining room for winter!
You are a gifted decor GENIUS, Logan! These were the most gorgeous conference decorations I’ve ever seen. Seriously.
GIRL!!! You are a GAME CHANGER!!! All that hospitality art you did? Looks like heaven’s front porch. Well done, you!!!
P.S. I’m in LOVE with those pumpkins.
Love it!!! You did a fantastic job! That part of my brain just doesn’t work. LOL
I loved seeing everything come together, too! It was such a rewarding year for me. Really looking forward to next year already! 🙂
We were happy to be a sponsor at the Allume Conference!
You did a great job with the decor!
Best wishes ~ Chris Ann & Kristin
It was stunning! I was so bummed I flew and couldn’t take stuff home with me after the conference. You did a fabulous job!
You are a design DIVA! It was all gorgeous (just like you).
Logan – you are amazing! – thank you so much for making everything so welcoming:)!!
You did a beautiful job!
And to eagerly await the opening of those ballroom doors…And to see the beauty that filled every square foot! As you said recently on my blog, God is in the details. Yes! I speak for many when I say we were blessed by the details! Thank you for such beauty. 🙂
The decorations were over the top girl! You did an amazing job!