I went to a goat farm with a friend yesterday. She was on milking duty (the goats are shared between a few families) and we’d been wanting to hang out, so she invited us to join her and her kids.
My boys LOVED it. Made me want to have lots of land and maybe even a couple of goats, or chickens.
This farm had alpacas also.
Alpacas are kind of rude. They basically hock loogies (sp?) and spit them at you if you get too close.
I risked it though to get this picture…because the thought I had about it made me laugh, and I just had to share with you all.
This was perfect because I had to scroll to read the caption. I love alpacas, by the way and Max wants goats. If we get them you are welcome to come play with them and take photos – maybe even name them after popstars. 🙂