So, while I wouldn’t in a million years choose to have the procedure I’ve done TWICE in the past week, you have to admit that any time there’s anesthesia or pain medication involved, there is a chance for ridiculousness.
Yesterday was no exception.
First, Mike and the other nurse anesthetist (whose name I can’t remember,) came in to give me something to “help me relax and sleep” since my procedure was delayed a few hours because of surgical schedules getting backed up throughout the day. They probably should have asked me the medical questions they needed to know BEFORE they dosed me the relaxing juice. But nope…they mixed that little cocktail right into my IV and then started asking about family history, medications I was taking, etc. I think my eyes crossed and I could hear myself slurring my words. Mike looks at the other guy about 5 questions in and says “You already gave it to her didn’t you?!” I felt myself laugh like an idiot. I’m pretty sure I sounded like Beavis and Butthead.
My husband told me that when I was coming out of anesthesia and the nurse came to get him, she “warned him” that I was awfully “weepy as well as a bit combatative.” Nice…basically I was crying and being a jerk.
I think last week, I was just weepy…
One time under anesthesia I told the nurse that she was so beautiful she should be a model. I asked Jeremy later if she was as gorgeous as I repeatedly told her and he said “yeah…not really.” HA! Well, at least I had nice words to say and wasn’t combatative that time.
When I was a teenager and got my wisdom teeth out, I cried again and almost punched the doctor because they gave me pink kleenexes instead of white ones.
The worst of all though was a few years ago when I had carpal tunnel surgery.
I remember that the first time I went in for a consultation, I noticed that the doctor was an attractive fella. Apparently though when I had the surgery and was all nice and anesthetized, I told him so. In fact, I told him he was “hot.” Really hot. Like, really, really, really hot. Repeatedly. In front of my husband….who later told me that it reached a point of complete embarrassment. I was so mortified later that I never went back for my post op appointment. My pinky finger is still a little strange feeling to this day.
Ahhh…memories. At least even in the midst of feeling bad and still pretty loopy, there are things to still laugh about.
So what about you? Ever done or said anything really ridiculous under anesthesia or pain meds? Do share…I’m in bed recovering all day and could use a laugh or twenty!
Logan, not nearly as funny as yours.
1. Wisdom Teeth removed. Just one tooth. Dentist couldn’t find a vein so they went in through my foot. Then they couldn’t get me to stay awake so they carried me out to the car. That night (hours later) I woke up and went to the bathroom only to faint. My brother, who had surgery the same day, had to pick me up and carry me back to bed.
2. In labor with Conner –too early for epidural, but the nurse gave me Stadol? Anyway, I called Mike over and told him I was levitating like St. John of the Cross and Teresa of Avila.
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who had a weird reaction to Stadol! When we had out 2nd child, I thought the nurse was part of a conspiracy to take our baby from us. Jeremy had to tell her to please not come back until the medicine wore off because I was freaking out and screaming at her every time she came into the room! Then I told Jeremy that the palm trees outside the window were swaying (but we were on the 6th floor overlooking the parking lot! Plus, Greenville isn’t the part of the state that even has naturally growing palm trees!)
I had to have a colonoscopy when I was 18 yrs. old. They insert an 8 ft. flexible scope into ahem, you know. And to be able to see the intestine walls they blow air to inflate the sides so they can view it all. I was out for it but when I woke up still totally loopy, the air has to come out. So here I am getting into the elevator with my parents and random other strangers and the air starts to come out in one extremely long fart. It was like that scene from Dumb and Dumber. The people in the elevator were totally shocked. I mean, who does that? I think the fart lasted the entire elevator ride down and out into the hallway. I was still very loopy and just smiled and farted away. My parents were laughing so hard, I’ll never live that down.
I just laughed so hard i cried! That is seriously hilarious and ps. you totally rock for sharing that on here!!!
I don’t know you, but that is totally awesome!!!!!!! Thank you for making me laugh so hard my daughter asked me what was wrong!
ok that is totally awesome! best laugh i’ve had this week. thank you!
I came out telling everyone how much I loved Hanna Montana. I have never even seen her show on television. I still wonder where that came from.
that is super funny!
Wisdom teeth – they gave me versed and I cried and cried and cried almost all day. Hardly remember but my parents said I was “ok” but crying. Turns out it’s a known side effect for 20 something girls. Hope you are feeling OK after the procedure, Logan! Praying for healing!
Hey Logan!
When I had meningitis, they put me on a drip of dilaudid. I told my mother a story ABOUT my mother…not so good cause we weren’t really on the greatest terms at the time…still not really sure what I said, but I remember my mom saying at the end of it well , I AM your mother…and all I could muster was oh yeah and pretend to fall back to sleep
HA! this post made me laugh out loud. I know that out of body laugh that you speak of. you know you’re laughing goofily, but there’s nothing you can do about it! you have no control over what comes into your mind and out your mouth. I feel like I always have deep thoughts, like, one time…”this doctor has beautiful eyes. hmmm….he has beautiful eyes…that’s so weird….why do we say things like that? i mean eyes are just organs….nobody ever says, what a beautiful kidney you have…” that thought strand at the time made SO much sense I blew my mind in that moment and felt like a Yale scholar. it still makes me laugh.
okay my story is about my brother. He just had his wisdom teeth pulled and when my mom went in to see him afterwards my brother exclaimed, “He touched my pee pee!!”…please note my bro was in college at the time. that’s a story that is often shared at family gatherings when we need to “lighten the mood”. =) love ya friend.
Funniest thing I’ve heard in a long time. The “model” nurse was classic! Ha ha ha.
Hope you recovery quickly!