I had a weird dream on Saturday night. And I woke up in the middle of the night thinking for some reason that I needed to remember it. So I sat up, went back over the dream in my head and then went back to sleep.
This was the dream:
I was sitting in a group of people in someone’s living room. A community group of sorts. And it seemed that the topics at hand were about moving into a new place and finding community and about grieving. I guess those were the things on the minds of some people in the group. And there was a really young girl in the group, naive, but full of good intentions, who was all too eager to give advice to these people walking through these hard times. So she started off with “You know what I think. I think that when you move to a new place, you should put a sign in your yard that says ‘I’m your new neighbor, please come by and let’s be friends,’ and then people will know that you’re nice and you’ll find it really easy to connect and find community.”
A long bewildered pause from the rest of the group…
So she starts up again, “And you know what I heard…I heard that if you spray grape must in your house, it somehow chemically affects your brain to where you no longer feel the effects of grief. (random aside here…no idea where this grape must thing came from…it was a dream you know) I think if you all try those things, you’ll really find that it’ll be easier to walk through these things you’re dealing with.”
And in the dream, I was myself, and in true-to-myself form I said, “I don’t mean to be rude because I understand that you have good intentions here, but have you ever moved and tried to find community, or walked through grief so deep you feel like you’re swimming in it? Because if you have, then I think you’ll understand that these suggestions are not altogether realistic. That walking through these things most certainly gives you insight to walk through them hopefully differently and better the next time, but it doesn’t alleviate the fact that there will be struggle.”
Then a woman with more years and widsom on the couch next to me said, “I agree with what Logan said. There is just something about experiencing hard things that once we walk through them, we are equipped to walk through them again with more wisdom and authority. And because of that wisdom and authority, we prayerfully learn how to walk through the hard places better.”
And then I went back to sleep.
When I woke up again at about 5am with severe cramping and bleeding, I realized just why the Lord gave me that dream.
It’s early ya’ll. Really early into a pregnancy. So early that I’d just told my husband I was pretty certain that I was pregnant and would take a test in the morning to confirm. The signs were all there. I’ve been pregnant 4 times now, so I know the feeling…the “symptoms.” And when I realized that I wouldn’t need to take that test afterall…because this kind of physical pain and bleeding has happened before, I found myself right back in that place of standing at a crossroads and wondering which road to walk down with a fresh wave of potentially paralyzing grief staring at me…begging to overtake me.
And I heard the Lord say to me… “Not this time Logan…not this time. I am good. You can trust me. You can walk this path differently this time. You are wiser, and you have authority to walk this well.”
Something in me rose up yesterday…and I’m gonna call it the spirit of the Living God within me. And I found myself yesterday morning in Psalm 103 that begins with “Bless the Lord oh my soul, and ALL THAT IS WITHIN ME bless his holy name.” I found myself blessing the Lord yesterday…rising up into a place of an almost surreal faith and assurance that this will turn out well. That all things work together for the good of those who love Him. (Rom 8:28)
I know that we have an enemy in this world…an enemy that desires nothing more than to turn our focus from the One who loves perfectly. And lately I’ve found myself in a place where the Lord’s favor on me in several areas of my life is so evident that I have felt almost dumfounded by it. I described it to some friends the other day that I feel like I’m a pancake and the Lord is literally dousing me with this inexplicable syrup of favor…just because he loves me…just to knock my socks off and show me. And somehow insanely, a friend told me yesterday that she thinks it’s contagious…that favor syrup. That since I’ve been sharing some of the amazing things that the Lord has been doing with me, they have begun to see drops of this syrup of goodness dripping off too….flinging off and landing onto others. Faith rising up more faith….and spreading.
So yesterday when I found myself in the midst of another miscarriage, I felt the Lord saying to me….”Do not be distracted from the good things I have in store for you. Do not be distracted from the oil of joy (Ps 45:7) that I have poured out on you.” Somehow I know that this “distraction” is a tactic that has been effectively used in my life twice before. And it worked. Boy did it work. I walked around in a fog of grief spanning almost 2 years…joy fleeting…favor syrup rolling right off of this porous pancake because my eyes weren’t open to even seeing it. And here’s what I have to say to that right now.
Not this time.
And I’m reminded of some interesting truths that I discovered last week…which I’ll share more in depth with you all later. I was doing a study of the words “self-discipline” and “joy.” I spent a few days looking into the meanings of these words and loads of verses about them and what I found was completely new to me. That self-discipline actually yields joy.
So often in life I think we find ourselves in a search for joy. That we’re looking for this emotion, some inexplicable pleasure or satisfaction…and we have no idea how to get it. And last week I came across a verse in Hebrews (12:11) that said that “discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.”
Discipline is not always about receiving a consequence…and learning to discipline ourselves (self-discipline) is more about training ourselves in certain thoughts or behaviors anyways. (I’m talking about self-discipline here…please don’t think I’m saying that miscarriage is some punishment from God…I do NOT believe that is consistent with the character of a loving God.) When I read this verse, I remembered way back to grade school when I learned the whole If A=B, and B=C, then A=C concept. So, if discipline seems not to be joyful, but being trained by it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness, then discipline actually does yield joy AND the peaceful fruit of righteousness. Ya following me?
So here’s where I am today. I will continue to walk in self-discipline…spending time with my God who is good. “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” And I will discipline myself to the renewing of my mind…to the remembering of His goodness and promises to me. And I will not let my thoughts go down a rabbit trail that only leads to darkness. I will grab hold of the wisdom and authority over this miscarriage that I have been given…and I will walk forward…focusing on the sweet face of a sweet Savior who’s blood covers a multitude of sorrows.

I keep thinking about a quote that Ann Voskamp shared at Relevant a couple of weekends ago where she said “God points to people who disappoint, to point to the God who doesn’t disappoint.” And so that’s where I am. Knowing my humanity, walking in it fully, experiencing the bleeding out right now of life in a fallen world….and pointing ya’ll….pointing myself…and hopefully as you read, pointing towards the ONE who doesn’t disappoint.
“I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back. ” – Phi; 3:12-14 (The Message)
So blessed by you. I have known you since you were a little girl and have watched the Lord take your amazing spirit, fortitude, talents et all and weave them into an incredible force for His Kingdom. I love your authenticity. The Christian life is not just hard it is impossible. That is unless we are acontinually biding in Christ and looking to Him as our moment by moment supply, as you are. Sometimes we revert and try it in our strength, only to fail. Thankfully, He doesn’t let go. He is a very present help in times of trouble. So thankful that you are willing to share your heart. I am sure someone needed this very word from you today. Thank you for being willing to share it. Gonna repost on my Facebook page. Love your writing!
I ran across this blog on my FB page and out of curiosity, read it. Your words are penned so real and raw and yet encouraging. Our faith does grow through trials and through those who share theirs with us. Thank you for blessing me today Logan!
you have my prayers. they are yours.
logan, I am so so sorry for your pain. weeping with you, dear one.
when the rug is pulled out from under us, we have a Rock underneath. THAT IS good.
love you, sweet sister.
I know you don’t remember me… but, I knew you when you were a young teen and learned much from your mom about parenting a spunky teen daughter… It’s interesting that Kim posted this on FB this morning. I do not usually read things like this, but I too, have experienced God’s amazing blessing of “preparation” through some very significant dreams… I wanted to share that suffering/struggles come and look different for each person: none more or less significant than another. My life with Christ has been met with many challenges that stem from abuse, rapes, many miscarriages, my husband’s accident, leaving him paralyzed…. In the midst of all this, I knew there had to be more… there had to be a way that God could redeem these events that happen from living in a fallen world… not because I am a “bad person” (which is what I was taught and reinforced over and over)… but because God is in the refining business… for His Glory. I discovered that if my life were to count for living for Christ: “to love the Lord MY God with all MY heart, with all MY soul, with all MY strength and with ALL MY MIND”… then I need… I YEARNED to know how God would meet me and walk with me this intense grieving… He gifted me with KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING 2 Cor. 1:3-11. I desired to know how to grieve well… for me, God revealed that grieving well wasn’t about “how to do it right”… I have spent several years studying ‘in the garden’… sitting with Jesus praying before he was given over to be crucified…. I was to be like Christ… and “Christ came to serve, not to be served” … Jesus was the RECONCILIATION for all things… HE is MY REDEEMER of all that was being RECONCILED. There are many “GOD MOMENTS” that led me to really KNOW these words… and as the 2 Cor. passage would come to mind over and over again… there came peace, rest and joy because of the blessing of sharing with others that were grieving over the same issues that I had/have been grieving over… especially the miscarriages. I have had the amazing opportunity to talk with, listen to deeply grieving moms, or those who so desperately wanted to be moms… and as I moved into their pain… God began to , I would say, embrace:surround:comfort my pain through my obedience in walking with these women… from literally all over the world who just wanted or needed so desperately to talk with someone who had lived through/with the grieving… which makes me feel safe and more loved than I ever thought possible from a God that I was taught was punishing me!! What a gift to step out in my grieving and be given the honor to “comfort those with the comfort I myself had received” (some of that comfort came from you mom!!) Over the years, I have come to realize that I actually look forward to seeing where God will lead me as I am invited to share in someone’s grieving… for each time I submit and obey… and surrender my own grieving… more healing comes… and more JOY is present…. My story is not over… but in the midst of it… God did gift us with amazing twins, who love the Lord and love to serve… for them, I am thankful everyday!! But, I will not and have not forgotten the pain of all my other children that I did not get the chance to hold and snuggle with… that pain has been reserved and redeemed to serve a loving God to comfort others with the comfort I received. Thank you for sharing and reminding me of how God has blessed me, even in the grieving. (song: Greg Long, “In the waiting”)
loges…so sorry to hear about this. let’s skype this week if you can…much to catch up on! love that your syrup overfloweth—and i agree about the contagious thing…experiencing that myself. love you wisdom and maturity as you walk this road again…your sanctification is evident…praise God!
This is great stuff friend. NOT THIS TIME.
Thank you for encouraging me today. The dream was very interesting…pondering on it…i love it when the Lord gives us crazy, purposeful dreams. More Lord!
Praying for you, just praying…and grabbing your words, holding them close to my heart “Not this time.”
What a beautiful post. You have such an amazing attitude. I wish you the best in moving through this.
Agreed, beautiful post!
Praise Him for His grace in your life which enebles you to cling to the fact that He is good and that He uses all for His glory.
Thanks for sharing.
I just want to say thank you to all of you for your kind words and encouragements. I love hearing your stories too….more testimonies of how good God is…all. the. time.
Beautifully written, Logan. Thinking of you and praying for you as you walk this road again, but clearly with a different mindset and heart for God’s ultimate plan. Your willingness to share your journey and heart with all of us is wonderful. Thank you!
Goosebumps! For your dream, for your resolve, for your outlook, for your faith, for your willingness to share this with the world…thank you, Lord, for Logan!
So sorry Loges…I understand your pain all too well, but share your attitude! Love you!
Soul sister, my heart grieves with yours. What an amazing testimony of grace and trust you have. It is HIS strength in you and through you. Much love and many prayers. xoxo
Dear sweet friend–I just now am reading this, after we spoke on the phone & I had no idea. You are being renewed, only by the blood of Jesus are you being renewed. You know that I grieve with you as well. This knowing our Father is SO good is true, and yet we still grieve the knowing of what could have been…what should have been. Like I said today, our souls were never created to say goodbye. I look forward to meeting our little ones in a redeemed Earth. I love you Logan!