Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
I just love that we have an entire calendar day devoted to cultivating and celebrating an attitude of gratitude. Really, I should do that every day…because boy do I have SO MUCH to be thankful for! I love this card that I found.

I found this old hymn page too, and since you all know I’ve had a thing going with hymnals lately, and since the words of this song pretty much sum it all up…I thought I’d share it. Because even in the valleys, I can still see that “his goodness doth abound.”
And, because you all know that I just can’t celebrate really anything without a little dose of humor….

Guess that answers the question of what I’ll be wearing to join my family in the feast! Boy did I love celebrating holidays in maternity clothes…oh well….at least leggings are in!
I hope your day is filled with family, friendship, laughter, and most of all…a pondering of life’s many blessings.
Might I recommend also while we’re talking about cultivating an attitude of thankfulness, a book….by my new friend Ann Voskamp…called “One Thousand Gifts.” If it’s not on your Christmas list…it should be. If you need a good gift idea for anyone else…this is a great one. There have rarely been words I’ve read that inspire and transport my heart the way that Ann’s words do. Find thankfulness in everything…live fully where you are…find a new way to think about it all… in this book. I highly…highly recommend!
Spend time being thankful today dear ones. And so you all know, of all the things I count as blessings in my life, please know that you, my friends, are among them.
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