I must interrupt this regularly scheduled Fashion Week to tell you all that on Thursday…yes, 2 days from now…I leave for a long weekend away with a ton of girlfriends I’ve never met in real life before.
I’m heading to the Relevant ’11 Blogging Conference and I am so incredibly excited! My sister told me it’s weird…she thinks blogging is weird though. I guess I did too before I did it. I guess to that I just have to say…don’t knock it til you try it. As for me, I can’t wait to meet this huge bunch of incredibly talented, funny, and genuine women…some of whom I’m already acquainted with from online. For me it feels kinda like meeting a whole bunch of pen-pals all at once. I can’t wait.
A couple of online pals, Brooke and Erin, are hosting a link-up to share “10 Things That My Relevant Roomie Should Know About Me,” and I’ve enjoyed reading other women’s’ lists so much, I figured I’d create my own too and join in the party. I’m assuming you already know I love Jesus like crazy and like to blog about loads of stuff…so I’ll share the stuff you wouldn’t already know.
SO to my real life friend Erin, and my new friend and roomie Kristin….here goes ladies!
10. I fully expect to completely exhaust myself staying up and visiting with lots of new-found friends WAYYYY late into the night! You might want to give me an extra key to the room….or a curfew.
9. I am MUCH nicer after I’ve had a cup of coffee in the morning when I’m tired. MUCH…MUCH…nicer.
8. I most prefer to take a shower at night…I wear Christmas jammies year round, and my new-found favorite thing is dry shampoo.
7. I’m bringing too many shoes. Most importantly though, I’m bringing THE boots.
6. I LOVE LOVE LOVE meeting new people. In fact, I am absolutely, positively, completely energized by it. I love it so much that well….see #10 for what will likely happen to me.
5. I talk in my sleep. Seriously. And sometimes I dream that spiders are falling on me and I hit at the air even. Once I bit my Hubs on the shoulder in the middle of the night. If I take a Tylenol pm though, usually these issues can be avoided…but then I’m super tired in the morning. I am bringing Tylenol PM with me though…just to be nice! 🙂
4. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been so excited about going somewhere as I am about this weekend. As stated above…my sister thinks this is weird.
3. I have a MAJOR propensity for verbal diarrhea. The good thing though is that I love to enjoy a huge laugh at my own expense when I find myself too far gone in a sentence to turn back. You know those moments….I have them a lot.
2. I am bringing my own pillow. I’ll sleep better with it. But don’t worry…even though I still have my blanket from when I was a baby…I’ll leave it at home. You know…so the Hubs will have something to remember me by.
1. I was having a little bit of regret about leaving my family for 4 days…but not anymore since my Hubs was in South Dakota hunting for 5 and I was home sick…with sick kids. Now, not so much. Now… I just want to roll down the windows of the proverbial convertible, crank the music and sing Free Fallin’! Weekend away with loads of new friends…HERE I COME!
So there you have it! Bring on the weekend!
Yay! Fun! I can’t wait to meet you, and I am sure, that I too, will stay up too late chatting with new found friends…ps…those boots are FAB! 😉
OK, so maybe I should bring my pillow too…
So excited about our trip!! YAY!! Can’t tell you how fun it is to have an IRL friend to go with this year! 🙂