With fall on the horizon…and even enough cool in the mornings that I have begun fantasizing about jackets and tall boots… I thought it might be a good time to share a couple of items I’ve recently seen that set my “style or vile” alert a-flashing. I don’t claim to be a fashion expert by any stretch, but there are some things I just can’t get into no matter how much I try to convince myself. Then there are a few things that I seriously dream about. Like the following…

<— I’m sorry….these remind me of another trend that I just couldn’t swallow earlier this year, but this seems to be the winter version. And at $228 dollars, I really have to wonder how in the world these possibly compliment any outfit?! Dear Anthropologie, I love you, but I hate these sock sandal boot things.
On the other hand though, when it comes to boots, there are a few that I’ve been drooling over for several years now. I’ve yet to pony up the fat wad of cash it’s going to take to snag a pair, but it’s not for lack of swooning so much as for a lack of said cash. Old Gringo makes the most beautiful boots…embroidery, huge amounts of detail, and they have that perfect amount of distressing so they look like you’ve worn them around a good bit. Love that.

One of these days ya’ll….one of these days!
Totally LOVE the cowboy boots!
Oh girl. These are my weakness. I just ordered the pair called ” oh my God”. Yes, they are black with diff colored and sizes crosses on them. You can get some good deals on eBay and 6pm.com.