Remember when I wrote about my most favorite slippers ever a LONG time ago?
Cute huh?
I love them, but made some changes in the second pair to improve them. I added elastic in the back (about 2 inches of it perhaps) to help pull them in on the heel, and I also made an insert with a 2 inch piece of foam sewed inside to make them super cushy. The other thing that would make them better I think would be to put a piece of suede or something on the bottom to wear better. That’s probably not gonna happen til my 3rd pair though.
Here’s the second pair that I made to give to a friend at a baby shower this week. It’s her second little girl….time to give Mommy something too I think.
These I really love.
I’m not going to bother showing you the steps because should you decide to order the pattern from THIS LINK, then you’ll have the directions with all the steps printed out for you to reference. There were great pictures to follow for the more timid seamstress out there. It wasn’t hard though. Really. If you can use a pair of scissors, read directions, and sew a straight line on a sewing machine, then I think you should give them a shot. It was fun, and the embellishing part is really fun. I’m thinking I have a great new gift on my list of things I can make myself!
I learned how to make those great fabric flowers on both pairs from a cute blog I like to read called Jones Design Company. HERE is where she has a fabulous group of tutorials you can check out for more fabric flowers and other crafty goodness. Plus…she seems like she’d be nice in person…and I really like nice people.
Thought I’d share. I do love a good project.
Those are so cute! Thanks for including the flower tutorials {and for calling me nice … I'd like to think I am :)}.
Shut up! My mouth is literally hanging open right now. Who are you?! And no, I don't think I could make them as good as you, a-I do good to get my bobbin threaded and b-I don't think I could get an embellishment to be as cute as yours. Thanks for thinking the best from me though. Those are awesome!!
I love! Is it wrong that making these slippers myself just surpassed a million other things on my to-do list? Awesome work 🙂
SO CUTE! My friend Paige is having a "Mulan" themed party for her soon to be 4 year old on Saturday. I sent this to her so maybe she could sew a pair for her daughter. I wouldn't mind having a pair for myself!
They are so lovely. Thanks for sharing.
These are adorable! Beth featured them over at A2Z, did you see it? 🙂 Good job!