I bet what you’re really wanting to read is something profound about Easter right now, or perhaps you are stopping by just because you’re hoping that I’m posting pictures of our Easter Egg Hunt yesterday…sorry to disappoint you all…not what you’re about to get. It’s been a big weekend full of activity and legitimate emotion over the real meaning of it all. I’m running on too little sleep, and due to that I had another completely ridiculous temper tantrum last night (I promise you this is not a constant thing with me.)
I was making a batch of brownies at about 9:45pm and was pretty flaming mad about something I won’t go into. I was to a step in the recipe that rendered me with an egg in each hand. If you’ve been reading here long enough to realize, this is in fact the point where it is appropriate to have the “Uh OH” moment in your mind. Mad…eggs….Uh Oh.
One slipped and fell, but not to worry, I caught it between my stomach and the side of the counter. I also effectively crushed it right there in that moment, emptying the contents of said egg onto my foot below. This was apparently my last straw because when my Hubs said something smart to me about it, I got so mad that I threw the other remaining egg at the wall.
Have I ever mentioned to you how I am so mature all of the time?! WOW! And it’s still debatable to me what was worse…throwing the egg in a fit of completely ridiculous rage on the wall in my kitchen in the first place, or having to scrub it off 45 minutes later when it was beginning to dry.
Notes to self: Do not throw eggs in your house. Do not be ridiculous. Get sufficient sleep.
Sherwin Williams Duration Home paint is scrubbable and washable as advertised though…in case you were wondering.
As I pondered and prayed through my awfulness last night though, I did find myself particularly aware of and thankful for a Resurrected Lord who washes all of that ugliness away. I’m sure in the realm of sin, throwing an egg in my house is probably not the worst that the Lord has had to deal with….and sad to say, it probably won’t be the last time he hears from me with something nasty to confess either. Sin is sin though…and little or big, mine or yours, it’s all in the same bucket of dirty laundry that needs cleaning. And I for one am thankful to have a Lord who took that cross from me, because heaven knows that mine alone would be a heavy cross to bear….I can’t imagine everyone’s added up. That is Love my friends….Capital L.O.V.E.
So if you are mortified now because you think I’m airing my dirty laundry, well, I suppose you’re right in a way. But I’m airing it only after it’s been cleaned. And my dirty laundry sure was dirty. But, when The God of Creation looks at me, He sees me in garments that have been cleaned… bleached even. Not a drop of egg on me friends…or on my wall. My Father just sees a scrubbed, washed, durable, perfect coat of love covering it all.
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast. – Ephesians 2:8-9
Whew…thankful for that!
You get so many mad props for admitting your egg throwing to the world!