Last night I was cleaning the kitchen, picking up small toys around the house, and throwing away random junk in preparation for our Easter party tomorrow. And I finally stopped about 11pm, at which point I felt that it was wildly necessary or iron and put in place a new dustruffle that I got for our bed about a month ago. So important, I know right?! I was busy last night…really busy. I’ve got to get this show moving!
One thing I should tell you about me is that once my kids are in bed, I’m done for the day. If I have something big going on, then I’ll spend that time of quiet accomplishing things, but on any regular ol’ night….I’m in my jammies and crawling into bed to read, or write, or watch a movie. And yes, my kids go to bed early. This means that while I don’t go to sleep til probably 11, I’m winding down from about 8 o’clock on. But not yesterday.
And then right before I went to bed, I checked my email and my new twitter feed. And then I felt kinda guilty….and more than guilty, I felt sad.
In my inbox were feeds of blogs I subscribe to, and on twitter were some really short blurbs about how people were preparing their hearts and minds for this Easter’s real show stopper. And that reality stopped my own show right where I was. I’d gotten so busy messing with a party, that I wasn’t enjoying the heavy reality of what these days mean.
We don’t do the Easter Bunny around here. Gasp now, because we don’t do Santa either. And while there hasn’t been a lost tooth yet….the Tooth Fairy’s chances aren’t looking good. (I’ll explain more on all of that later on, but just know I’m not a Debbie Downer…I won’t let my kid ruin it for yours and I don’t have any issue with other people taking part in the imaginary fun in their families.) So… while in our house, we go to lengths to make sure that a Jesus-related holiday isn’t confused with something else, I realized that my own focus on something other than Him was actually just as disappointing. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t a big white bunny, or Cadbury eggs, or the contents of a basket.
But I tell you what, if the way my house looks, and the decorating, and the preparing, the flower arranging…if it all clouds my view of a Servant Savior who washed his friends’ feet yesterday, and marched up a hill bearing the burden of a heavy cross laden with the sins of the world today, and spent 3 days DEAD….
I love this! It is so easy to get busy and lose perspective! I want to take time to stop and remember.
We don't do Santa or the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy either, by the way.
Thanks for sharing Logan. It is good to be reminded what our focus should be during this special time.
I am curious to hear about you not having the Easter Bunny or Santa. I want our family to focus on the real meaning of those holidays also, but I am not sure how to pull it off with all the media, parties, talk at school, etc.
As always, I really enjoy reading your blog 🙂
A beautiful post, Logan! Happy Resurrection Day!