My name is Logan, and I want to welcome you to Life for Dessert!
I have no idea how many times I’ve written and re-written this first sentence to begin to tell you “about me.” A LOT for sure!
When it comes to describing myself in any sort of way to make you think “Yeah, I’ll read around this chick’s blog,” I’m at a complete loss with what to say. But when I go to blogs that have nothing about the writer behind it, I’m always disappointed. And I don’t want to read through a 100 item meme either. So now what do I give you to make you want to come back?
How about I tell you that I started this blog to just share tips and tricks and thoughts, but have found a voice that I didn’t know that I had? That I love to cook and am pretty good at it, and will only ever share recipes here with you that will knock your socks off … because let me be honest and say, I’m too vain to do otherwise. I’m a full time mommy by day who squeezes in any amount of home decor and DIY that I can, and if I can help you figure out how to make your home and stuff feel more like “home” to you, then I consider that something worth spending time on. I love to invest in people, and have been amazed to find that by writing a blog several days a week, I can do that in some ways. I can share things like how to cut an onion, or to distress furniture, to throw a creative party, and help empower you to do those things well too. I can talk about real life, and loss, and the human mistakes we all make but are mostly too embarrassed to admit to ourselves, much less anyone else. I share about my propensity for verbal diarrhea, my opinions on products that I think are awesome or ridiculous, and pretty much anything that comes to my mind. The great Forrest Gump’s mother always said “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get,” and I think that just might be true about me…and about this blog.
And old Forrest’s mother was right….Life is like a box of chocolates….it’s sweet and varied, and sometimes you take a bite out of it and get something different from what the box told you you’d get in that place. And you chew it up anyways…because it’s chocolate and you’ve already got your mouth full of it.
I read a quote by a really amazing woman named Ann Voskamp a few months back that said, “This life is our only dessert….too brief, too sweet, and too delectable to hurry through.” And, most days I feel that way completely. But on the days that I don’t, I still know that it’s true. This is the only life that I’ve got, and I want to make sure that I rock it. That I’m a good wife, and mother, and friend. That I’m authentic in everything that I do, that I love God well and because of that love other people well too. I don’t want to always order vanilla ice cream in my life either…I want to try different things, and find the beauty even in the failures. I want to live this life in all it’s guts and glory to the fullest, and I want to taste the sweetness of it all the way.
I want to have my life for dessert, and I’m glad you’re here to share it with me! Grab a spoon….this plate has plenty to share.