Sarah Mae (MaeMae) and I became internet friends when it was still weird to say so out loud. Over the past decade our friendship has turned epically real-life and is one of the greatest gifts of both our lives. From our totally random (but clearly God-ordained) meeting, to running the Allume Conference side-by-side, and now just doing life together as the best of friends, we have talked and laughed about everything under the sun. I think perhaps once in a blue moon we have friends where even working together feels like play and that’s the way it is for Sarah and me.
It’s why we decided to do this podcast. Well….partly why.
Over the years we have both received a lot of questions from friends, readers and interviewers about our friendship. Maybe it’s because it sort of started via the interwebs? Maybe also it’s because with social media people have seen that friendship go from running a conference together to spending as much time together as can be managed with a long distance friendship. Whatever it is that has made others interested in learning about it, we agree that this friendship is totally great.
And something else we have realized, especially the older we get, is that true heart friends…#friendshipgoals kind of friends, are super rare. So we decided to pull back the veil on our friendship and invite you all into it. You’re invited into the laughter, the real conversations, the fragmented and haphazard directions that conversations take between cooking dinners and carpools and all the real life that goes into (and distracts us from) the reality of maintaining true friendship. And in the end, we hope you’ll go out with a real idea of what it takes, and what it looks like to both be and have the kind of friendships that will change your life for the better.
In our brand new podcast we’re drawing random topics out of a hat (because most days that’s what our actual conversations look like) and dishing about all the things: life, faith, family, parenting, food, dreams, and all the ridiculous stuff in between that make friendships for real. It’s random, it’s fun, and we’re trying to keep it at about 20 minutes so it’s short enough to keep you company in the carline!
We have an email address for the podcast and we’d love to add your topic ideas to our hat! (Yes, it’s an actual hat…my favorite trucker ball cap to be exact.) So shoot your ideas, comments, and thoughts to LoLoandMaeMae at gmail dot com.
Also make sure you’re following us on all the socials and subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, or Podbean so you never miss an episode!
Pop over to our socials to say hello and send us your ideas there as well! We love to hear from you!
Find me at @LoganLWolfram on Facebook and Instagram, and Sarah (MaeMae) at SarahMae.com, and @SarahMaeWrites on Instagram, and Facebook.
Here’s a little audio snack to whet your appetite! New episodes will air on Wednesdays! We can’t wait to hear from you and we hope you enjoy the show!
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