HOT DOG have I got something fun for you!!! Happening this coming week Feb 22-26th on my INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK accounts!
One of the awesomest things I’ve found in writing a book is finding people I love who are doing the same thing. I’ve always been big on supporting what God is doing in and through others, and when it comes to publishing and writing, it’s no different for me.
I think in reading other books, we find pieces of ourselves uncovered. I mean, it’s why we read lots of different kinds of things, right? Because pieces of this and that resonate differently, and while I sure as heck hope you order my book, Curious Faith, I’m under no illusion that it will alone fill all the pieces of your soul or meet every need you have.
Besides, only God can do that.
So, these incredible people are some of those I’ve connected with in my own journey. They are all gloriously different and while all of their hearts beat to see people know God in deeper and more meaningful ways, they all come at it from a different angle. And for me, part of cultivating a CURIOUS FAITH, is learning how to see things with new eyes and from different angles.
So I want to introduce you to my friends who will help you do that too! So I’ll share their professional bios and then tell you why I’m personally excited to share them all with you!
- Ken Wytsma, author of Create vs Copy:Embrace Change. Ignite Creativity. Break Through with Imagination
- Ken Wytsma is a leader, innovator, and social entrepreneur. He is the president of Kilns College, where he teaches courses on philosophy and justice. He is the founder of The Justice Conference–a yearly international conference that exposes men and women to a wide range of organizations and conversations relating to justice and the biblical call to give our lives away. Ken is also a church planter and the lead pastor at Antioch Church. He and his wife, Tamara, have four daughters and live in Bend, Oregon. Follow Ken on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK
- Also, you should know that Ken is funny and super clever. He and I were emailing recently and I told him that if Curiosity had a cousin, I was pretty sure that cousin would be Creativity. SO I’m pretty stoked to introduce you to his book, CREATE VS COPY, that will help stoke and uncover the creativity of God in your own life! The man knows what he is talking about and I know that I am and will continue to be better for knowing him!
- Becky Thompson, author of Hope Unfolding: Grace-Filled Truth For The Momma’s Heart
- Becky Thompson began blogging under the name Scissortail SILK, quickly drawing a global audience of millions. A self-professed city girl, Becky is a recent transplant to northwest Oklahoma, where she lives with her husband, Jared, their three young children, and whatever critters wander in from the wheat field behind their house. You can connect with Becky online at Follow Becky on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK
- I ADORE this woman. The first time we talked on the phone I felt like I’ve known her for years. And speaking of years, this darling young mom is wise beyond hers! This gal is in the trenches with mamas who are up to their eyeballs in spit up and diapers and parenting, and oh how she exudes the grace of Jesus and joy that can only be found in the Lord. Becky is also funny and quirky and real…and I know you’ll love her to pieces too! I cannot be more thankful that the Lord has brought this precious kindred into my life!
- Matt Bays, author of Finding God in the Ruins: How God Redeems Pain
- Matt Bays is a writer, speaker, and musician with a passion to call people out of their hiding places; calling forth others’ stories is the hallmark of his spiritual vocation and purpose. In ministry for twenty years, Matt was most recently the worship pastor for Northview Church in Carmel, IN, recently noted as the second fastest growing church in America with more than 8,000 attending each weekend. Finding God in the Ruins was birthed from his own deep struggles in a dysfunctional home. With pastoral wisdom, personal transparency, and unforgettable stories, he shows that true redemption is far more powerful than the temporary fixes of sanitized Christianity. Follow Matt on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK
- Matt and I met originally because we have the same publisher. He sent me an early copy of Finding God in the Ruins, and his story tore my heart to pieces and then put it back together in a way that only God can do. He is the truest kind of friend who encourages and supports people and means what he says! He has a great sense of humor and a deep abiding faith that makes you feel safe even when you’re sitting in the middle of the muck of life. Matt is the kind of friend you make and keep forever!
- Gwen Smith, author of I Want It All: Exchanging Your Average Life for Deeper Faith, Greater Power, and More Impact
- Without hesitation: Gwen Smith is an unashamed, imperfect worshiper of Jesus Christ. His goodness covers her mess and purposes her days to live out the hope of the Gospel. It is her joy and passion to inspire women to live fully in Christ. How? She speaks. She sings. She writes books, devotions and songs. She worships. She is intensely in love with the Word of God and believes, wholeheartedly, that the Bible is divinely inspired truth.She is the author of Broken into Beautiful (Harvest House Publishing), co-author of Trusting God and Knowing God by Name (WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing), and is one of three co-founders of Girlfriends in God, a conference and devotional ministry with more than 800,000 subscribers from all across the world. Follow Gwen on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK
- When I think of Gwen I kinda want to sing that part of the “Lady Marmalade” song that says, “Hey sister, soul sister…” and I don’t even remember what it says after that, but it doesn’t matter. This girl is a soul sister. She’s more put together and organized than I am, but I have found a forever friend in her! We laugh together, ponder about the deep things of God, and talk football trash with one another too. I’m glad Gwen lives in NC, because she is close enough for day trip visits! You can’t not be blessed by this woman!
- Sally Clarkson, author of The Lifegiving Home: Creating a Place of Belonging and Becoming
- Sally Clarkson is the mother of four wholehearted children, a popular conference speaker, and the author of numerous books and articles on Christian motherhood and parenting, including The Mission of Motherhood, The Ministry of Motherhood, Seasons of a Mother’s Heart, The Mom Walk, Dancing with My Father, Educating the WholeHearted Child (contributor), and Own Your Life. In 1994, she and her husband, Clay, started Whole Heart Ministries to encourage and equip Christian parents to raise wholehearted Christian children. They write and publish books through Whole Heart Press, offer hotel and church-based parenting and motherhood events, and minister online through blogs, email newsletters, and their ministry website ( Since 1998, Sally has ministered to thousands of mothers through her WholeHearted Mother Conferences. The Clarksons live in Monument, Colorado and have home educated all of their children from the beginning. Sally loves family, reading, music, bread-baking, traveling, and long walks. Follow Sally on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK
- I have my dearest friend Sarah Mae to thank for introducing me to the wise and kind mentor I’ve found in Sally Clarkson. Sally has a peace and calm about her that instantly draws you to her hard won wisdom and kindness. If you can tell anything about the woman from the children she has raised and the home she has cultivated, then let me ASSURE you, this is the woman who’s feet you want to sit at to learn. She has been such an encouragement to me and her words are like balm to a soul that is weary and wants to live fully. I adore Sally and I know you will too!
Ok… So each day next week, hop over to my INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK and tag 4 friends (must be a different 4 friends each entry, but you can enter as many times as you want) and you can win free books! Each day you’ll have a chance to win my book as well as one of these friends of mine too! Make sure you’re following them all on Instagram and Facebook too and keep up with all the fun goodies as well! They are sharing with all their friends too, so to increase your chances follow along and enter on both accounts!
Don’t forget too that between NOW and February 29th, if you PREORDER Curious Faith, you can also get tons of FREE gifts when you click HERE as well!
When you Pre-Order, visit this page to see how to claim your free gifts!!
I love this! I’m sharing all about your book with my community, and will take a look at these others as well. Praying for BIG things to happen as a result of your faithfulness!