I went for a run yesterday. I guess I can call it that…since I did in fact run. But, I suspect that I might have run faster and farther though had I been chased by something more ferocious than a 2 year old.
A couple of months ago I signed up to run my very first 5K called “The Color Run.” So…yesterday began my training (and general get-off-your-duff-and-do-something regimen.) I think it’ll be easier to run once school starts even and I’m 1 kid less each day….except that the one remaining is the same one who chased after me around a track yesterday yelling “HOLD YOU MOMMY!”
School starts for my rising 1st grader in a week. Just a week! And, as much as part of me is looking forward to a routine, I have sure loved not having to get up and get dressed to be out of the house by 8am. And then I remembered the primo clothing routine that makes one look both intentional about her day and give a total pass to be make-up-less and unshowered.
Work-Out Clothes!
When my son first started school, I remember remarking to my husband how ridiculously together and motivated so many of these moms were. Each day I’d slug into school in jeans and no make-up to drop off my little guy, and there were droves of moms in work-out clothes and baseball caps. Seriously, there were enough that the school could offer aerobics and still turn people away. It made me feel guilty for not being amongst them.
And then yesterday I had a revelation. My friend Camille remarked as we were jogging, that if she puts on work-out clothing in the morning, it’s much more likely that she’ll take a few minutes to exercise if she has a chance during the day. Genius!
So…if you’re like me and felt intimidated or annoyed by the droves of fabulously fitness seeking mommies out there at the start of the school year, just know….some of them are actually working out, but some of them have just figured out how to get out of the house fast without invoking judgement on a poorly put together appearance.
Nice one Mommies! I think I’ll join you all this year…daily fitness intended or not. But for now, I better make some effort, or my first 5K is just going to be a total joke!
*So friends, let’s be honest….most of the time for school drop-off, are you working it, or faking it?! 🙂 Free yourself of the pressure and come clean in the comments below! 🙂
Loved this Logan! When I started going to the Y last spring, I would put on my exercise clothes the mornings I planned to go straight onto the Y after dropping off the kids. However, I found myself putting on those same workout clothes (comfy stretchy pants and a tshirt) even the days I absolutely knew I wouldn’t make it to the gym. Not because I wanted to appear to be heading to the gym but exercise clothes are just comfy and easy – stretchy, soft, easy to throw on and not coordinate. And a baseball cap – just covers up the bedhead. So yes, I will be faking it this fall 🙂
That’s too funny. I have always had a different take on those moms who were dressed in their fitness gear. I just always assumed that they wear it to make it look like they worked out that morning so that they had a valid reason not to have any makeup on and dirty hair. I assumed this because this is actually how I dress when I need to run to the post office without makeup and dirty hair. I just assume that people think, “Wow, she looks like crap but that’s becuase she just came from the gym.” (Instead of the actual truth: It’s now 1pm and she’s been in her PJ’s all day and hasn’t showered.) Ha!
you aren’t going to like this but, i feel my best/most confident/most comfortable when i look my best. a great fitting, flattering pair of jeans are just as comfy to me as loose fitting lounge pants. that said, i RARELY wear work out clothes unless i am really working out. it takes just as long to grab some jeans and a stylish top as it does running shorts, sports bra, and baseball cap. it’s worth it to me to get up a little earlier to fix my hair and throw on some makeup and a cool outfit.
don’t get me wrong, there are definitely mornings that i throw on a hat, running shorts, and sometimes not even a bra to do school drop off but i don’t get out of the car…and i pray i don’t have a wreck on the way. but for the most part, if i know i’m going to be out and about, i’m dressed in regular clothes.
much like i wouldn’t wear formal wear unless i’m going to a formal event, i won’t (rarely)wear work out clothes if i’m not working out. (this was typed as i’m wearing sports bra, running shorts, and a plush purple bathrobe as i eat my cherrios. and i’m not working out today but i haven’t gotten dressed yet.)
I tell my kids the hardest thing to do sometimes is to start. So if you are really going to start running then dressing to run is a start. You could also run while pushing your 2 year old in a stroller which would be like a roller coaster ride for him!