Today is the day ya’ll! Or rather, tonight is the night I guess. The night where I go to my sweet friend’s house and install a nursery for a baby she’s having whose gender has remained unknown…to everyone except myself and the ultrasound tech. Seriously…what a privilege is that?!
I’ve decorated lots of nurseries before. Remember where I showed you a few HERE? And I have to say, this has been the most fun for me. The element of complete surprise for a friend who’s waited so long to meet these tiny fingers and toes that are on their way as I speak. And the level of trust that she placed on me to pick out EVERYTHING has been humbling, honoring, and an absolute blast. I feel like I’m on While You Were Out or something.
She picked out these 2 beddings in advance and that’s it. Showed me some pictures in catalogues of things she was drawn to and I got to take it from there.
And boy has it been fun! I’m a serious fabric lover, so I think that I found probably 7 more fabrics to put in the room. Great patterns, textures, interest. I can’t wait until my friend comes home from the hospital with that sweet baby that all of this time and money and effort has been for and has a soft place to land.
I even broke my own rule on this one and sewed all of the throw pillows and window treatment. I love to sew, but if I did it for every client, I probably wouldn’t love it anymore. So I don’t do it…as a rule.
This one has been a true labor of love and connection for me in a lot of ways though. This friend has miscarried some babies (get that…some…multiples) and I get that pain all to well. That longing and loss…the waiting while everyone else around you is birthing life. Man is it a hard road. And I’ve walked it…twice. And I know the joy of that baby finally coming too. The first time you hear that cry when you’ve felt like you’ve been pregnant for years….because you have. You’ve been pregnant, and lost babies, and pregnant again, and lost, and waiting, and trying, and hoping, and praying. And then the first cries. Probably the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard. And all the losing, and waiting, and trying, and hoping, and praying comes flooding out of your own heart…and you weep. Weep for the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness to bring about life. And that is a good moment. A great moment.
So I know this place where my friend is today…on that hospital bed still waiting because that sweet life is curled warmly in her belly…waiting. And I can’t wait to bring together beauty in a room to celebrate that life with her. And it is my privilege, and a joy.
I’ll share it with you tomorrow.
**And in the meantime…I’m curious if there’s anything you’ve been able to do for someone else that felt like a priviledge to you? Let’s get this conversation started!
how beautiful! can’t wait to see it!