I kinda owe ya’ll an apology. My exciting plans for Fashion Week this week are still gonna happen, but it’s gonna have to be next week. Despite my best “I think I can” efforts to get everything finished up this weekend, I just flat couldn’t.
All that puff puff chug chuging I’d anticipated the other day would have gotten me somewhere if my wheels had been turning properly. As it was, my littlest guy started running a fever Thursday afternoon (still had it today), I got really sick, and ended up such a mess that I could hardly move the whole weekend. My hubs was hunting pheasant with my dad in South Dakota, my mom was in the mountains with my grandmother, and I was here…sick as a dog with 2 small children, one of whom was sick as well. All to say, it has been a really hard weekend.
I’m still not well, and since my littlest guy isn’t well either, I had to cancel the closet re-mix with Kelley Smith that was supposed to be happening tomorrow (so that I could write about it later this week to share some tips with you.) She’s so amazing, that it’s gonna be awhile before I can even get back on her schedule!
Man…the best laid plans….sometimes just fall flat.
So…I’m going to try to be realistic with myself and say that I can get it all done… in time for next week. Mostly I want to give myself a chance to catch up and feel better. I’m writing this curled up in my bed right now and am not looking forward to having to get out of it tomorrow to take Tid Bit to school.
I do want to brag on my friends for a minute here though. I can honestly say that throughout my life I have been blessed beyond measure with amazing friends in every season. And generally, I have been fortunate enough to have a pretty large handful of people in each season who’d bend over backwards to help me out (of course I’d do the same for any of them too.) Saturday I was so sick that all I could do was sit on the floor, hold my littlest one and cry. My head was pounding, my sinuses were completely blocked, and my ears were ringing. I was achy and tired and learned that you should NEVER take sudafed before going to bed if you want to actually sleep. I called my doctor and she agreed that it sounded like I had a horrendous sinus infection, so she called in an antibiotic for me and some cough medicine with codeine to help me sleep. She is amazing! But then, I was feeling so wretched that I couldn’t even get up to go get it. I was so sick that I knew I couldn’t get both of my kids in the car and to the drugstore, so I called a friend who’d said to call her if I needed anything.
That was a big deal for me to call and ask for help. It’s not that I can’t ask for help, but I soooo don’t want to put someone out. I’d do anything a friend needed were the situation reversed….but still, you know what I mean, right? It was bad though…I felt awful and I needed that medicine.
When I called my friend J, it turned out that her family was having dinner with a couple other of our friends. So, my 3 girlfriends stopped what they were doing, left the guys with the kids, and went to CVS to get my medicine for me. They got to my house and fed my children dinner, made me a bowl of oatmeal to eat with my antibiotic, put my kids in pajamas and got them ready for bed. They straightened my kitchen, and even took out the trash. It was like angels just swooped in and took care of business. And I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am for friends like that. For those friends who came yesterday….blessings blessings blessings!
I remember one time a few years back, I was sick, and a girlfriend came over and folded probably 5 loads of laundry for me because I hadn’t been able to do it. Or the friends who know you don’t feel well and call to say they are in your driveway with dinner. Or even the one tonight who’d seen on my Facebook that I’d promised Tid Bit pizza from Whole Foods for dinner and she called to ask if she could pick it up so I wouldn’t have to go out. I have good friends ya’ll….and I don’t take them for granted for one skinny second.
All of that to say…this weekend hasn’t gone AT ALL like I’d planned. So, I’m going to focus on getting well the next couple of days and roll out the Life for Dessert Fashion Week next week instead. I hope you understand! I thought I could, but sometimes even the most well-intentioned engines can still run out of steam.
feel better soon, Logan!!